Could it be a homburg? It looks to have the single dent and slightly curled brim.. although I am claiming absolutely no authority on men’s hats.. I only really recognise the most popular styles!
How organised of the owner that the info was kept/passed on along with the coat! I always mean to do that with my own ‘special’ things and never seem to get around to it..
We may have found the same thing.. but I did a quick search and there was a company named Brent-Davis at 10 New Bond St in Mayfair, which was down as a clothing retailer on the company returns. Adele Davis is down as a director from 1991-1997 (which seems a bit late for your coat - but maybe she...
Haha, I just found the same thread! Yes that is unhelpful of them :wacko: They do mention in the same chat that Saatchi and Saatchi redesigned that logo using less ‘wavy’ lines c. late 1970s, but that’s probably not much to go on. Don’t you just wish every garment had an order number and date...
I think the symbol on the left is for ICI (imperial chemical industries) - you could maybe date by their logo changes, if you were feeling really bored! The fact I recognised it may put it in the 80s bracket, unless it was the same prior?
Nice jacket! Are they moulded plastic faux football buttons, or actual leather? Like Mary Jane asked, is there anything stamped on the belt?
I'm going out on a limb here but it does look an awful lot like the tweed country style suits my grandmother wore in the early 80s, very trad british...
That’s great! It looks a lot like the Aristos 1970s coats (British label), but the size tag is throwing me off a bit as they are usually printed, with a more ‘modern’ size (12 or 10 etc)
If you search them up you’ll see what I mean, and maybe someone else can help further
Hi, not sure where you are, but I’m in the U.K. and I don’t usually sell fur.. so when my grandmother died and I inherited similar items, I was in a similar position.
I was quite pleased to find that the local hospice (who coincidentally had looked after her, so seemed appropriate!) had a...
Something in the back of my mind is associating 1971 with ‘shoelace’ neckline details.. but I’m a bit rusty as not listed many 70s clothes in a while.. so who knows how accurate that is! :)
I’m wondering if the label placement was a decision made down to the nature of the fabric, rather than a...
Currently only certain furs have selling restrictions in the U.K. as far as I know, so it’s worth trying to identify for sure what yours is. There is a great fur resource here to use which should help.
Love that your grandad was mayor of Hackney!
I just did a google search for ‘Levi’s two horse brand yellow label’ in images, and it showed up a jacket with a similar printed Levi’s design label and ‘retro’ style that someone is selling online - eBay us 284364414559. (There’s another similar jacket on eBay U.K. 274752606503)
Their jacket...
Hi! It’s been a long time since I posted here.. in fact so long I hope I still get it right! I’ve used thumbnails as not sure if images will be too big.
I have this fairly early pouch/work bag that I’d like to date more precisely.
The embroidery looks like it has been hand done on a silk woven...
I just sold a ballantyne intarsia and it had the same with no issues - I'm assuming this is the stress point and it's a way of preventing holes occurring rather than a repair job later!
A gentleman came into the shop at the weekend, and was chatting to my partner about a really interesting project, based in the School of History at the University of Leeds. The team of researchers and advisors, however, hail from Universities in many other countries so it isn't just UK-centric...
Just beautiful! I can't stop looking at it :) Silly question I'm sure but I can't see the neckline at the back - could it be worn the other way around so the tabard is trained to the rear? I'm sure you've tried it every which way!
Years since I've had time to post here, but the smallest one's impending entry into the world of education means I have been able to return, or at least will do very shortly! I happened upon this the other night on BBC iplayer and really enjoyed it in a totally fashion related sense so...
Do you know keep meaning to get a copy of that too Louise! Thanks for the reminder. Here are a few I've had, definitely getting scarcer (and pricier) - I wish I still had these, I have another dress and bolero set that I'll probably list in the summer as it's a bit chilly for bare shoulders...
Hollis that's amazing - i too am definitely ordering a copy as I have struggled to find decent contemporary books on vintage jewellery. How great to see your things in print and in good company!
Makes me want to collect the combs.. oh dear! Have only just got over my hatpin fascination :)
It's the lanvin font, and as tres mal as my french is.. Sontage is credited with the fabric and Lanvin with the design? So could well be just missing a label?
Very cute!
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