Crazy op-art waveform print 60s Scandinavian dress - and a plea for info


Registered Guest
I've not been so active on the VFG forum recently, apologies. But I have a heartfelt plea for information so I hope you'll forgive me :)

This dress is one of the few remaining from my rapidly diminishing personal collection, and it would take a disaster more drastic than bankruptcy to make me part with it:


Its labelled 'Fenno-Sport' and I assume its Scandinavian (Finnish?) and I'm estimating it dates from around 1967-69 (any input/correction on this estimate most welcome, of course).

I would love to find out more information about Fenno-Sport, but the last time I tried to search I got a load of results for an isotonic sports drink!

None of my fashion reference books have any mention of Fenno-Sport clothing, so I wondered if anyone here at VFG had any information, or ideas about useful books they could point me too?

Its such a striking dress - I hope you appreciate my sophisticated photo enhanced with clothes pegs and string! - and I'm dying to find out more about it.

From a 1975 newspaper... There's an article - "A Fashion Skol from Finland" and it talks all about Finnish designs, concentrating on Marimekko. In the last paragraph it says" "Fenno-Sport's fashions are as brightly distinctive as marimekko labels."

This immediately reminded me of Marimekko too - I would have guessed that without any explanation to the photo. I checked my two finnish fashion books, but couldn't find Fennosport (I adore finnish design, and Helsinki is one of my very favorite cities, so I've been there a few times...).
But I've found some other links:
vintage FennoSport dress on an auction site
And here's some more pics of vintage Fennosport dresses:

Wow, I had to post and run (sorry), and I'm so thrilled with the response! Thank you everyone :)

It looks like the company was definitely working in the same vein as Marimekko - maybe it was a bit cheaper? As you say, Harriet, they do come up from time to time (more than old Marimekkos that's for sure) and its so frustrating that there's no information about the company.

I used to have a maxi wrap skirt with matching headscarf too, but the only picture I have is of the scarf!:

Amanda - my dress must come from the same collection as the one in your newspaper clipping, its exactly the same construction and style. That nails the date precisely, fantastic!

Karin - thanks for those great links! I wonder if Jaana Mari has any information, she's obviously a collector (and a great model too!) I'll send her a polite flickr message in the hope that she does.

Eileen - that daisy dress is just stunning!

Just by the way, my sister has a short video of me wearing this dress and spinning like a top! It flares out cone-shaped and those waveform patterns are enough to induce severe discombobulation :hysterical:

Well Janna-Mari responded right away, but sadly she could offer no more information about Fenno-Sport!

But she did offer me some more Finnish fashion brands (and great picture links) which I really hope she won't mind me sharing here - they're too good to keep to myself:

"Merry Finn"
"Annikki Karvinen"

Vuokko and Merry Finn I've heard of, but the others are new to me.

Joules - ha ha! That's really put me on the spot! I don't have any pictures of me online (let alone videos), at least not to my knowledge. I'm very uncomfortable about that :)

Let me mull that one over . . .

Thanks about the scarf and skirt too! I've found a picture of the full ensemble - I used the scarf as a tie top here, I think it could be used for either purpose:


I think I need to get over myself! I've always been shy, that's for sure :)

The other problem is that my sister shot that video sideways!

The Finnish designers were so strong on bold prints. If I wasn't trying to wean myself off collecting, I'd be out there hunting for more examples.

I don't think they get the recognition they deserve (apart from Marimekko of course!)

I had a lovely little Pia & Paula skirt suit that I struggled to part with, gorgeous print, lovely quality, totally unappreciated - took two years to sell :BAGUSE:

If it had come anywhere fitting me, it would have stayed at home...
