Embarrassed to Admit...

Originally posted by boncly
Scooter skirts. I made one and had two others in double knit.


we called these pinafore mini-dresses, maybe it was a regional thing?? but not scooter skirts: a scooter skirt was a dress with a "built-in" pair of shorts OR a short a-line skirt with (again built-in) shorts and panels over the top to make it looks like a dress or skirt, not shorts. the skirts/with shorts were also referred to as skorts.
I cuffed and pinned my acid wash jeans.....

I even tie-dyed a pair of jeans in bleach......

I cut all the fingers off my winter gloves......

My mom took pictures of EVERYTHING. I bet there are pictures of the top two.....

What was I thinking??!!

I did wear big shoulder pads in the 80s. And big, big earings. They were hard to avoid. But no headband or Hammer pants.

My platforms were tan leather with big cork soles - they'd sell very well now. And I had white leather platform sandals, too.

I did manage to miss the velvet hot pants with matching vest or jacket fad. But only just.

Me at art school ca. 1990. Oh dear!

<img src=http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs022.snc1/2342_55991856567_656991567_1889390_4350_n.jpg>

The leather jacket is alright, but long johns under shorts...well the less said the better.
LOL - this thread is a stitch. I missed the 80's (I was farming) but I can identify with Joules. At a party around Christmas in the early 70's I wore a low-cut dress and a velvet ribbon around my neck with mistle toe dangling above my chest.

At some point in the 60's I wore fish net stockings quite a bit. Oh and there was one pair of wool hip huggers in a huge bright plaid. Really bad.
Ms. "Anonymous" I made and loved wearing that same dress!

I remember an outrageously egregious get up of bright orange hot pants with black fishnets and black patent Famolare Hi-There platforms. My mother told me she'd lock me up if she saw me wear that again!
I'm loving all these 'fashion crimes' and everyone is being so sporting confessing all! :clapping:

There's plenty of sartorial mistakes in my past too - one that springs to mind was from the early Two Tone days, which I went for in a big way. I bought a pair of black loafers and a pair of white ones, and used to wear one black and one white loafer!

Seriously, what was I thinking?? :BAGUSE:
Maggie - I'm suprised my mom let me out of the house in some of the things I use to wear. I was a walking fashion crime!! And unfortunately there is a lot of photographic evidence. LOL.

Amanda - I still wear fishnets! I love them.... Oooops.
Ah, what a great thread.....vintage is the way to go, because most of us have fallen down by trying to follow the trends! We live and learn.

I've worn vintage mostly since 1980 but I'll own up to dressing poorly for my figure at times: during the '80s I was very petite and those big shapeless shirts and jumpers (sweaters) would make me look like a little dumpling, they would swamp me. I've also been guilty of wearing mini skirts as a teenager - being short, they didn't do my little legs any favours.

I expect my biggest fashion faux pas is going to be my goth days from the late '90s....I love the pics but expect that one day I won't be so thrilled with the corsets and major decolletage. Oh well, we only live once!

Oh Nicole - I had to laugh at your "little dumpling" self description. I didn't really get sucked into too many trends as a young woman, but I remember in junior high it was absolutely imperative that I owned a camel hair coat, a loden coat and a kilt with matching knee socks and sweaters. And of course a circle pin and I think I may have faked a few friendship rings.

I remember my mother telling me how disgusted her mother was with the length of my Mom's flapper outfits.
Well, probably my biggest fashion faux pas (not in MY eyes, as I still think it was the niftiest dress ever) was my fringed tablecloth dress I made in the 9th grade--and actually wore. To school. To the sit-in I organized to protest the war. I was Ms. Hippie Flower Child Peacenik all the way, I guess....

The Simplicity pattern I made this from is now pretty collectible, I believe. I wish I still had it. I made "View 1."

My mom had this great round red & white print tablecloth with long fringe--the perfect dress! Alas, I lived in a small town and was a bit too "avant garde" for the folks there. To them, I and my dress were just "weird." I'm glad my parents let me be me, though. (Excepting the times my father would not let me out of the house with skirts on that he deemed too short!) Then again, there were the hot pants and fishnet stockings--how did I ever get away with that???? Or did I??
Anne - OMG. I love that pattern. I would wear it today.

Anne, I know the small town mindset. Unfortunately, I was raised in a town of 10,000 and none of them had an open mind. Except for my mom who let me cut up all my jeans and make bell bottoms!! I was too out there for them.