Embarrassed to Admit...

Originally posted by connie
Me at art school ca. 1990. Oh dear!

<img src=http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs022.snc1/2342_55991856567_656991567_1889390_4350_n.jpg>

The leather jacket is alright, but long johns under shorts...well the less said the better.

You know what... I remember this look. But I thought it was only my fellow/sister theater students on the day they had movement class or dance class. So it was a utilitarian look. Little did I know that I would find someone else in another city where it was "a thing."


I have one for you.

It was circa 1993. I..I mean...this girl I knew... wore combat boots all the time. Then she decided that I was wild about platforms. Saw an awesome pair of 70s platforms that she could not afford. So, what is a girl to do? Luckily the 90s does 70s and the 90s does 70s does 40s shoes were coming out.

So, she wears her stretch pants that she didn't quite give up and her red flocked (not suede mind you, but flocked) platform sandal wedge things from Kmart. She bought them shopping with her friend who grew up in France who thought Kmart was the most marvelous place on earth. She wears her mod disk belt (metal circles with plastic circles over each one in a faux bakelite looking plastic - oh and a real one not 90s doing something). Oh yes, the belt is brass toned metal with brown plastic and the rest of her outfit is black - black pants, shirt, and of course SOCKS. She sheds her long, parted down he middle Marcia Brady hairstyle that goes so well with plaid flannel shirts and combat boots and ops for a pony tail - not just gathered at the nape, but pulled tightly back and descending from a true 60s ponytail Barbie doll position.

why the heck would she wear socks with those shoes, especially black ones with BRIGHT RED SHOES. And they were also her dad's trouser socks. You know the one with the red stitch at the seam? As someone's irish-german grandma would say "oh for the love of Mike." I might also add that if you were very slender you might get away with leggings with platforms - MAYBE, but if you are more Marilyn or Sophia than Twiggy, (even though in your mind's eye your body is more Mary Lou Retton -ish) it just looks like you are trying to say "look at my butt" especially if your shirt ends above the hip bone.

Robert Mapplethorpe did a self portrait where he looked like a diembodied head. Well, if this were a portrait, there was so much black that it would be "disembodied platform shoes"

Oh by the way, she goes to college in a rougher but turning artsy side of town, is walking down the street in broad daylight, at maybe 1 pm and a wino mistakes her for a prostitute even though she was swathed in black from beck to collar bone to ankle to wrist. But i guess when you wear stretch knit and whatever stretch pants are made out of that might as well be a leotard with shoes that don't have anything to do with anything, people see you are all about the shoes. Nothing bad happened. And he wasn't propositioning her, but just making comments that it was obvious they were street folk on the same shift or on the same territory.

I don't know if I know of this gal.

But once she saw a photo and realized what she looked like, she went back to the combat boots. Sorry, don't have a picture of that one.
Rose tinted coke bottle glasses that went to my mid cheek and all the way over my eyebrows
Acid washed jeans
80s style feathered mullet
pink satin shirt with white fringe
Denim skirts, acid washed, of course (ankle length)

and, the #1
....patchwork dungarees.....looked like a quilt gone wrong & I'm 5ft 4 so was so the wrong height ...late 80s I think that was....my friend wore them one night and she was the right height but they still didnt do her any favours! Connie, you look so cute, but yes long johns..they look a tad like surgical stockings...hope you don't mind me saying....
