Old tech support and forum questions

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Hi everyone!

I've been selling on eBay for quite some time, and finally made my way over to these boards! I've got some fantastic stuff I'm getting ready to list (2 pairs - 50's lucite heels with MATCHING purses in their original box w/receipt, 1 pair of 40's authentic & original reptile peekaboo heels... and so many FAB dresses!). Anyway, whilst getting to know the board & the way it works, I saw there's a private board for members only??? How do I get there?

That's easy! All you have to do is become a member of the Guild! Check out the navigation bar on homepage to apply!

On the left hand side of the Home Page, click on the Sellers tab and then click on apply for membership!

Everyone on this board is a public board member. You also have access to everything this site has to offer as far whether you are a public or trade member, such as our label resource, timeline, and articles. The private board is accessed by trade members who have applied for and have been accepted for membership and are upheld to standards of practice. There are membership guidelines/criteria to that are available where you apply for membership (on that same page i think) for review...99% or higher positive feedback , conduct on this board, etc.....

If you have trouble finding where that is on the site, just let us know

But the "action" so to speak, is right here....questions and answers, and discussion of all things vintage!

Y\'all!!! I found how to space pictures!!!

I'm so excited!!! I know we've discussed the valign stuff before, but this is easy!

Here ya go - the trick is to put hspace at the end of the url...
Like this:

&ltimg src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/abonnie.jpg" hspace=60&gt&ltimg src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/ahollis.jpg"&gt

You get this:
<img src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/abonnie.jpg" hspace=60><img src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/ahollis.jpg">

I used 60 pixels at the end of bonnie's logo, but you can put in what you want. Is that cool or what???

Thanks! That may be easier than what I did...which was make my pics clickable links using width & height stuff. That's a lotta html. LOL

&ltfont size=4 color=maroon&gtClick Thumbnails for More Photos!&lt/font&gt&lt/A&gt&ltp align=center&gt&ltA HREF="http://pub3.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?usernum=231892834&album=28535 target="new"&gt&ltimg src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/1Leisa/RS Earrings C100/bigear1a.jpg" width=50 height=100 hspace=10&gt&lt/A&gt&ltA HREF="http://pub3.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?usernum=231892834&album=28535 target="new"&gt&ltimg src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/1Leisa/RS Earrings C100/big2.jpg" width=50 height=100 hspace=10&gt&lt/A&gt&ltA HREF="http://pub3.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?usernum=231892834&album=28535 target="new"&gt&ltimg src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/1Leisa/RS Earrings C100/big3bk.jpg" width=50 height=100 hspace=10&gt&lt/A&gt

<p align=center><font size=3 color=maroon><B>Click Thumbnails for More Photos!</B></font></A><p align=center><A HREF="http://pub3.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?usernum=231892834&album=28535 target="new"><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/1Leisa/RS Earrings C100/bigear1a.jpg" width=50 height=100 hspace=10></A><A HREF="http://pub3.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?usernum=231892834&album=28535 target="new"><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/1Leisa/RS Earrings C100/big2.jpg" width=50 height=100 hspace=10></A><A HREF="http://pub3.bravenet.com/photocenter/album.php?usernum=231892834&album=28535 target="new"><img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y144/1Leisa/RS Earrings C100/big3bk.jpg" width=50 height=100 hspace=10></A><p>

Now I wanna do it to all the items, but I need to go get a "real" job. LOL

It depends on how many dots per inch your image resolution is. 72, 300...

Just multiply the # of inches by the dots per inch.

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