Old tech support and forum questions

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I'm not incredibly computer savvy so this might be a dumb question to most of u. I have tried a couple of times to get an avatar and i never can. Can anyone explain it step-by-step for the computer dummies like me.
Thanks so much....
First of all you need to find a picture you like. To put one here, it needs to be no larger than 120 wide by 170 high.

Go to your control panel and then to edit profile. In the Avatar line just type in the url (like http://www etc).

You have to have your picture uploaded to a host. Photobucket is free.

If you are still having trouble after trying these instructions, email me and I will try to help you.
Dear Linda,
thank u so much! I made a cute avatar and followed your steps, and it worked. It took a few trys but it was really easy
thanks again.
thanks. Yours is really cute too. I just scanned a part of an old newspaper ad and used vintage fabric for the background.
Thank u too!
I love the fabric. I picked it up at a yard sale. I'm going to make a tote bag out of it if I ever remember.
I have some labels that aren't listed in the Label Resource Guide. I don't see any upload button.

Can someone please tell me the process for submitting labels?

Thank you.
Thank you for posting.
I didn't see the thread.
No problem about the hosting, and I appreciate you mentioning it.
I recently got a new computer (iMac) and it will not accept my photoshop 7.0, so it’s back to the drawing board. (I’m looking to buy Elements if anyone has a deal for me.)

Meanwhile, I found GRAPHICCONVERTER , which is shareware, and it’s GREAT. (It may just be for Macs.) You can try it on a free trial basis for as long as you want I guess. I purchased it and I love the fact that I can pull my whole file of photos over the icon and it instantly turned everyone of them into a jpg format. I can then crop the ones that are ok as is ... and once I have a better photo editing program ... “tweek” the ones that need more help.

You can do hues and contrasts and sharpening with graphic computer. I haven’t found a smudge tool and cutting out the backgrounds may be difficult. I haven’t really figured it out, but it’s fine for now.

Just wanted to share for those of you who didn’t know about it and might be curious.
I think your avatar has to be hosted elsewhere, which is why it only has space to put in a url. But maybe someone else knows of a way to upload a photo directly.

Hi there! I am new here and trying to figure out how to load some pics. I don't see the "Insert an Image" icon. I know- it's probably right in front of my eyes! 7th from the left is the VFG Blog icon for me:) Please help~ thanks!!
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