OLD THREAD 2004 -just registered? INTRODUCE YOURSELF

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Hi Stella, glad to have you.:hiya:

Weekends are a bit slow here, probably like everywhere else.

Just ask away or share. We love vintage!
Thank you both for making me feel so welcome! Let me tell you a bit anout myself besides that i love vintage. I am in a Brick and Morter Co-op in Stroudsburg Pa called olde Engine Works, I do Ebay under ranaeatplay and I have a shop on Fashiondig.com called Simply Stella Ranae. I am looking for another co-op not so far away with gas prices it is crazy and they are starting to put inway too many reproductions there, I am a purist I guess! Anywhoots I hope when lots of my fellow vinties see my message someone will want to chat, make friends, so VFG stuff. I will have some time next week to learn how to navigate the site and learn more
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