Hello Marsha,@Avantbo Thanks for posting the larger Woollands image - perfecto!
What I meant by linear was a "just the facts, ma'am" approach, without editorializing. We certainly love all manner of personal comments on the forums, but that approach doesn't quite fit the format of the Label Resource. I'm happy to edit, unless you'd prefer to do so. We can discuss further in a PM if you have any questions.
You are correct. This particular thread **Post Labels for the Label Resource Here** 2020 is a running thread. It is the only place on the VFG forums to post labels for inclusion in the Label Resource. The other forums for showing off treasures and Q & A are discussion, only. If you post labels and research elsewhere, the volunteers who maintain the Label Resource might miss them. So, if you have a label and research to accompany that label, please post them in this thread. Thanks, again!
Please edit and I will have a clearer idea of what is required of me.