**Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2023 CLOSED

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Joy Stevens California - I see we had a thread about this company in 2017 that extended int0 2021, with excellent research done and posted - probably enough for a LR bio. And now I have a label to offer! This is one of those dresses that comes alive on the body.
Retrieved for the LR 6/27/23
Thanks, Maggie!
Nordstrikk Fair Isle Wool Sweater with Metal Hook Closures (1980s?)
Credit to VintageParlor

“Jean Dessès sweaters” label from a 70s polyester floral turtleneck.
Even after Dessès’s death in 1970, his perfumes continued to be sold under license and ads from the 70s like this one paired his perfume with the sweaters label with the slogan “She likes the Jean Dessès brand so much that she chose it twice”:

Lots of interesting information here (choose reader view to see the whole article):

Please credit me with my user name.

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Paradise Found, Honolulu, Hawaii - Label from a 1980's men's Hawaiian button down shirt. You already have Paradise Hawaii in your label database, which also mentions Paradise Found, but you don't have an 80's label pictured. (The labels you have pictured are from the 1950's and 1960's).
Feel free to credit VintageParlor if using the photo of the label.

Added to the LR 7/14/23
Thank you, Gina!
I just listed a 60s eveningwear ensemble by Nelly deGrab. The LR already has my label, but I noticed that Nelly's bio is rather bare bones. I did some research while I was prepping this, and wrote something up for the listing. I thought I would share here in the interests of fleshing out her LR entry.

Nelly De Grab and her family emigrated to the US after fleeing the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939. She had natural style, and started designing and selling softly pleated cotton skirts in interesting prints. Her first sale was to Peck & Peck. She became known for mix and match separates, and extended that aesthetic to evening wear using luxury fabrics like velvet and brocade. She continued as an active designer until her death in 1972, when Lowell Judson took on that role. The company continued until at least 1976.

Thanks so much, @MagsRags!
I've edited the entry to include this info.
From an Henri Bendel wool dress. Late 50s early 60s credit Kfield16
Added to the LR 7/23/23
Thank you, Kelly!
50s Indian brand wool sweater. Was not able to find any info on label. Credit Kelly C
Retrieved for LR 7/23/23
Thank you, Kelly!
50s Alps Sportswear wool sweater. Was not able to find any info on brand. Credit Kelly C
Added to the LR (Novelty Labels) 7/23/23
Thank you, Kelly!
From a delicious 60s 70s silk chiffon dress Modern couture brand was sold by Bloomingdale's. Credit Kelly C
Retrieved for LR 7/23/23
Thank you, Kelly!
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