Uh, looks like I could stock up my little "library" forever

. I have a few suggestions too, depending on interest. Of some of them I do not have the English issue, but German or French, but I've looked up the original English title if applicable.
Reprint of the 1927 Sears catalogue
François Boucher - Histoire du Costume / A History of Costume - has been published and re-published for quite a few times I think. History of fashion from the beginning of man up to about 1947 (I have a 1965 French edition). Lots of pictures - mostly of pictures of statues, paintings of the era represented and a few photos of pieces that have been preserved in museums. Lots and lots of details on different styles in different regions of Europe etc. in the text. I find it fascinating all the same. Has a big glossary of terms too. Something for costume history buffs.
Harriet Worsley - Decades of Fashion (Getty images). Photos of fashion, underwear, hats, hairstyles etc. from 1900 to 2000. Lots of celeb photos, but not only.
Vintage Fashion: Collecting and Wearing Designer Classics (several contributing authors, foreword by Zandra Rhodes). Designer fashions from 1900-1990 - beautiful book, also lots of new photos of vintage pieces, info on looks and designers.
Tracy Tolkien - Vintage - The Art of Dressing Up
Book on buying, collecting and wearing vintage, but also on styles 1940s-1990s.
Bags - The book of the Handbag Museum in Amsterdam (Tassenmuseum Hendrikje), published by Pepin Press - handily comes in 7 languages and has loads of photos of handbags. There's also a bit of text on the history and the different kind of bags, though not much information on the bags pictured (usually just one line).
50s Fashion (edited by Jim Heimann)
60s Fashion (edited by Jim Heimann)
Published by Taschen, in their Icons series. Two small books with vintage fashion and beauty ads. Fun to look at, and might maybe help sometime. I think a 1970s book exists as well.