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Discussion in 'PUBLIC Information Center - Welcome to the Forums' started by retro ruth, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Need technical help? Have questions about how, what, when, where, to post?

    Any questions, please ask in this thread, and someone will come along to help you.
  2. Dilly Day

    Dilly Day Registered Guest

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this?

    This afternoon I posted some pictures on the crochet thread but when I logged in again this evening there was a message stating that my post had been deleted.
    I had read through the rules and thought I could post on there as it was a public forum, obviously I was wrong.
    All I wanted to do was show some items that I thought others might like to see. I only joined a few days ago but now feel that posting is a bit of a minefield and am disinclined to use the forums in case I unwittingly make the same mistake again.
    Distantdetails and retro ruth like this.
  3. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  4. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    @Dilly Day Yes I realise it is confusing, and please don't be put off.

    We have a strict rule about only trade members can promote their shops, and those parades are all about promoting your shops. I'm going to revise the forum description to make it clearer.

    I'm really sorry it wasn't clear, and this is our failing and not yours.

    Plus your gloves were lovely! And you didn't link to a shop which is the main thing we try to prevent. I'm going to reinstate your post, but put it in the Show and tell forum.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  5. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    @Dilly Day
    Your post is now here,

    I'm so sorry we handled this badly, and I hope you will keep posting here as your contributions are very very welcome. And I love seeing crochet items!

    This is a learning experience for me, as the last thing we want is for someone like you to be put off from joining in here. And thank you for making us aware that our information isn't clear.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  6. Dilly Day

    Dilly Day Registered Guest

    Thanks you for your replies.

    Ruth - thank you very much for reinstating my post, that was kind of you.

    It was a genuine mistake on my part - obviously I didn't read the rules carefully enough but just saw this:
    *Can read and post to the public forums but not promote their wares & businesses

    As I am not selling anything I didn't see a problem - it is a learning experience for me too.

    These forums are a wonderful resource and I love being able to show my "treasures" and see other peoples lovely things too. I know I will learn a great deal here too.

    Thanks again for your help.
  7. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Yes it's understandable you didn't realise. We just are realising ourselves, that's it's not completely clear. Your post was fine, just not in that thread! It's a fine line sometimes, and we do have to revisit and revise our policies on occasion as things come up.

    One of the issues is that many many people join these forums purely to post links and promote themselves (you'd be amazed how much work goes into controlling that), and so we have to have quite strict rules because of this. Obviously that isn't what you were doing though.
  8. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    Hi @Kerry Cordero - you can ask for help with dating in our Q&A Forum: - please post images of the whole jacket, front and back, as well as of any labels it has.
    If you need help with posting photos, please see here:
    Labels to be added to our label resource can be posted here: - but if we can answer the dating question in the Q&A forum and you mention that we may use the labels, we can also tag someone from the label team to pick the images up :).
  9. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    Midge likes this.
  10. NylonNostalgia

    NylonNostalgia VFG Member

    Test - as per Ruth's request. Please ignore otherwise :)
  11. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Emma, glad you can post ok.
  12. Jules Smith

    Jules Smith Registered Guest

    Where and how do I post fabrics I have questions about ?
    Distantdetails likes this.
  13. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  14. Susan999

    Susan999 Registered Guest

    retro ruth and MagsRags like this.
  15. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Susan - hopefully you are all sorted out now. Message or email me if you have any further problems.
  16. Dinah's Vintage Eye Candy

    Dinah's Vintage Eye Candy Registered Guest

    Yes I am new to this and I would appreciate any guidance. Most of all I would like to be able to date my vintage items for sale. I also signed my name up wrong Typo- It should be Dinah's Vintage Eye Candy - Can I edit it? Thanks so happy to be here and I appreciate the opportunity to be part of the group.
  17. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Dinah, your username has been changed as requested - this isn't something you can do yourself.

    Regarding dating vintage items, you can ask questions in this forum:

    Please read this post first, as it will help you get the best response to your questions.

    Feel free to ask more here if you still help using the forums.
  18. Lynn Marrapodi

    Lynn Marrapodi Registered Guest

    Hi! I am wondering how to post my photo? I am referring to the one that goes to the left of my name!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
  19. Lynn Marrapodi

    Lynn Marrapodi Registered Guest

    Thank you. I was able to get the photo...but not in the box above my name. I'll try movoving the cursor...which I didn't see in the original instructions! Many thanks!

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