NEW TO THE FORUMS? Please introduce yourself here! 2023

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Information Center - Welcome to the Forums' started by denisebrain, Jan 11, 2023.

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  1. Shell C.

    Shell C. Registered Guest

    Hello, I am Shelley. I have always been into the history of fashion especially because I do costumes for theatre. I posted a question yesterday about a label in a '64 - '73 mini dress but I may have put it in the wrong forum thread. Anyway sorry if this repeats but I could use some help in identifying this label. I have researched on what I thought it to be Mr. A.W, but I have come up empty handed. Any help would be appreciated! label.jpg
  2. plousia

    plousia Registered Guest

  3. Shell C.

    Shell C. Registered Guest

  4. Shusteroo

    Shusteroo VFG Member

    Hi, I’m Sarah of Shusteroo and I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello! I have been using VFG as my go-to when researching labels for several years now, and I’ve always found it to be an invaluable source of information. I FINALLY got around to registering as a VFG Guest Member at the end of March, but I was a little shy about contributing and remained on the sidelines... I then applied to become a member and was thrilled to be accepted!

    Please excuse the long post, I’ve got a few years to make up for...!

    Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped me during the membership process, and messaged at various stages or gently guided me where necessary, it was much appreciated! Maggie @MagsRags @Linn @Midge and Sunny @Cestsibon

    In addition, thanks also to the members who kindly stopped by and said ‘hello’ in the Newest Member thread, it was so lovely to be welcomed to the fold! Maggie @denisebrain Mary Jane @poppysvintageclothing Susan @northstarvintage Mary @The Vintage Merchant Victoria @Vintagiality Diana @poshthreads @anothertimevintageapparel MS @thespectrum Harriet @Hattysattic Barbara @Rue_de_la_Paix
    *this was great practice, I've definitely got the hang of tagging now!

    Finally, a long overdue “massive thankyou” to EVERYONE at VFG who so generously shares their time and knowledge by contributing to the forums – I’ve been quietly reading and learning from their posts over the years. I’m so excited to be part of the VFG community and to keep learning, progressing and hopefully contributing myself. Now I’ve just got to get my head around Instagram and Pinterest… !
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
  5. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    What a truly lovely introduction Sarah! We're so glad you are a member, and look forward to interacting with you.
  6. Soul of Cape Horn

    Soul of Cape Horn Registered Guest


    I got into vintage as an offshoot of having attended WWII living history events in my state (PA). I'm 43 and attended events from 2004-2011.

    I mainly focus on German maritime and my style is "vintage inspired". The period of focus is 1920's-early 30's. I have an interest in what was worn among seafarers of that period and base my style (for the most part) off of that.

    I also live a "vintage lifestyle" to a degree. Not as "hardcore" as some but I live without some of the more commonly used pieces of technology that many own today. So it's a combination of both my style and a way of life for me.
  7. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    Hi Shelley, Welcome!
    I moved your original post here.
  8. Soledad

    Soledad Registered Guest

    Hi, I'm Soledad. I've always been fascinated by garments from other times and intrigued by how they felt (how practical or impractical they were for users), and how they evolved. I've joined so I can draw on your expertise to identify a cape-like garment my grandmother wore to fancy events like the opera and such around the time of WWI. According to my mother, my grandma demonstrated how she wrapped and tied it on, and it even formed a hood. I'm sorry if the picture doesn't show it very well, I know this may be a long shot.

    Attached Files:

    Shusteroo and wyogems like this.
  9. Salvador Castillo

    Salvador Castillo Registered Guest

    Hi, I'm Salvador or you can call me Sal. I've always been drawn to vintage. I've learned a craft that gives me access to many vintage pieces. I have a weak spot for 30'-50' women pumps & bags. I know for a fact that things were made better, back then.
    wyogems likes this.
  10. Texaco Bag Guy

    Texaco Bag Guy Registered Guest

    Hey. I'm Dave. I'm only here to see if anyone can help me find the origin of my '50s Texaco McBrine Briefcase. If you have any experience with the brand, PLEASE contact me.

    Attached Files:

    shimasafavi likes this.
  11. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  12. 2littlekittens

    2littlekittens Registered Guest

    Hello...just starting to love 80s and 90s fashion again!
    wyogems likes this.
  13. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  14. Stelle

    Stelle Registered Guest


    My name is Stelle. Thanks for your warm welcome!
    I love Haute Couture, Vintage,...
    Dior is one of my favorites.
    Willing to learn and to share.
    Have a lovely day to every member!
    wyogems and Shusteroo like this.
  15. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  16. Chloeedebbs22

    Chloeedebbs22 Registered Guest

    Helloooooo ! just wanted to hop into a calmer vintage community! very excited:)
    wyogems and Shusteroo like this.
  17. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  18. CutieCupid

    CutieCupid Registered Guest

    smooch emotiHi everyone! I'm Hermon, he/him. I adore fashion, whether its vintage, new, or in between. I just love looking at pretty stuff! I work at a thrift store and every day I comb through all of the various brands and pieces just for the fun of it, and I'd love to know if any of the really interesting finds I see everyday can be helpful here!

    I hope one day I can be like, an actual professional at this stuff, but for now, I'm just a really passionate enthusiast trying to take in the big wide world of fashion around me.
    wyogems and Shusteroo like this.
  19. Woody

    Woody Registered Guest

    Pleasure to be part of the forum. My name is Woody and I run an organisation called TRUSS who are dedicated to building the largest digital clothing database. It is a long journey but Vintage Fashion Guild have certainly helped! I would love to help the fashion guild and provide more labels and references using our databases.

    (Edited by admin- promotional links may only be posted by members - please see forum rules)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2023
    wyogems and Shusteroo like this.
  20. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

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