I found these in my library stash and totally forgot I had them! I'm pretty sure they came from the old department store cleanout I did in Medina many many years ago. It was a store that had been in business since the late 1800s. I was up in the "left overs attic" ...in heaven! I really...
I have been working on my fashion history library and recently finished listing 6 1880 Peterson's magazines complete with their engravings and Les Mode Parisiennes full color fashion engravings. It really is fun to have such an extensive read for 1 year. The magazines are delicate but so...
Well this certainly is one kindred connection we don't need!! LOL It's my right - rotator cuff tear (and some other jargon). Up up to 4wks immobility and then 6-8 PT to repair movements. Being right handed .... it will be a "fun" challenge!!
Hopefully your healing is speedy quick too...
I really don't like putting the Etsy shop "On Vacation" mode but I have to on Sunday night June 6 until early August. Of course - no orders can be placed during that time. I put a large group of items on sale so take a peek!
I'm having shoulder surgery on June 8 with a long recovery period -...
Of course I keep adding to that list - lots of Mary Brooks Picken fashion/sewing course booklets from 1920s are now on plus an almost complete course (17 issues) of sewing from American System of Dressmaking. These booklets teach much more than just clothing construction.
And today I put on...
This summer I decided it was time to liquidate my library. Many books are now listed in my Etsy shop - anothertimeantiques. These are the titles so far that relate to vintage fashion history :
Aldens Catalog Fall Winter 1950-51
17 Booklet Course - The American System of Dressmaking and...
Champagne pearls beaded collar
Antique black rayon knit stockings, NOS from Landauer's of Medina NY
1988 Spiegel Holiday Collection Catalog with Erte cover
1980s Victorian Revival Blue Taffeta Gown
Just finished a wonderful parade of colors in cotton dresses for little girls. These are all from one estate and mom sewed many of them. All in the Etsy shop.
If you're in the region of Rochester NY, mark your calendar and come to the Unity Church rummage & boutique sale on Sat Aug 19. 9--2. Yes we have some vintage fashion related items ! 55 Prince St.
Rochester NY had a great store "back in the day" named Edwards & Sons. It closed in 1972. Sad because it was a favorite in our family. I still have mom's "metal charge plate" somewhere in a box!!
This dress was sold from that store in the late 1960s. When I found it in an estate, the...
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