OK, I shall steam this avec the machine in a bit. You'll have to wait 'til tomorrow for the after I'm afraid as I am a bit busy tonight..
And I am so sorry this is sideways but I am in a rush and it wouldn't rotate, lol.
Well, I am loving the fact that it removes odours! I bought the most gorgeous new look coat that smelt like it had been somewhere very very musty for a long time, even after I aired it. And now voila, no smells! Apparently works for cigarette odour too, so I will have to try that out as that...
Hello and welcome!
Wholesale vintage really isn't that easy to come by in the UK - as you're obviously finding! I have met a few dealers at vintage fashion fairs who had signs up saying that they supply wholesale, which tended to be the retro 70s kind of thing (mens disco shirts etc), but...
I am delaying a bit as I need to remove quite a bit of clothing from the dining room that is 'in transit' (too much experimenting with steamer!)
I shall post a picture once it's up. Anyone else going to get us in the mood? And are your decorations vintage?
OK - I am experimenting. It comes with these clip on weight things which I think are essential. I steamed a full skirted cotton dress without and it came out smelling very clean and fresh but wasn't as good as with me steaming it.
Used them on a very wrinkly acetate lining and it worked...
Of course I don't mind. They are pretty expensive in the UK - rrp is £299.00 so this is a cheapy ex display and I am hoping it doesn't blow up (currently in use !). This one was £150, but if it saves me scalded hands and an aching arm it is money well spent in my opinion!
I think you can get...
steamer, as described by Lei!
Just waiting for some distilled water and will report in later!
Gosh, I'm not sure on my later stuff (well I'm not concrete on anything but 80s is probably my worst - ironic really, being as it's the first decade I remember all of!)
Off the bat I would have gone for early 90s with the tartan but then if it is more of a punk tartan thing then yes early...
I love the fact that she doesn't have the fur stole, and you can't have the one in the picture as it's from the Liza Minnelli (sp? sorry) collection.
I wish all my accessories belonged to famous people...
Love the pattern. I want to say bowling ball bag but it's not sturdy enough looking, and a bit too delicate?
I am sure I should know... :puzzled: Someone else will I'm sure.
Welcome! (or should that be croeso?!) Nice to see another UK face. Sounds like you have the bug like the rest of us, and there is no cure I'm afraid :D
Nice to 'meet' you!
Up in about half an hour on ebay, all being well!
Gorgeous cotton organdy ginger rogers style dress - a/f
Audrey style little lacy 60s number
Full length brocade evening dress
mid 50s pink prom in larger size:
and of course...
I thought shawl collar, but am doubting myself! Is there a correct term for this aside from giant shawl collar? :)
This has the coolest label, BTW. I think it was dead posh once upon a time.. :
Thank you!
I think so! Have managed to handwash two of them successfully, have decided to lose 10lb (after xmas) so I can wear the other myself :D and have had a new dry cleaner recommended so I shall be visiting them tomorrow...
Oh Deborah, what a pain. I totally understand the wanting to know, I am just the same and sometimes it kills me waiting!
I really don't know what I would do here - They are stating that they cannot be bothered to return it, hence not contacting you? I don't really get it.
Shall think on...
Don\'t you hate it when...
You miss a flaw, and have spent the last hour photographing stuff!
I always give everything a good going over before I start photographing, and check again afterwards. 3 times tonight I have tripped up and missed spots only to find them on my second check! Grrr...
Jamie, you sound like you are already being superhuman!
A managed (by someone else) store sounds like a good idea, plus you should be able to transfer all your stock over from your website that you already have listed.
Ebay store worked OK for me but I haven't investigated Babylon myself...
They are super Linda - and well done for geting them all finished! I am struggling through the last of my stuff for this year at the moment and it is taking forever..
I love the turquoise one, would look good on a guy - is it a man's one?
Ooh, lovely Rosine! Show bow both ways maybe to demonstrate versatility!? To front side looks nice too.
Let us know when you list, and what size it is.. :D
Would appear that Proctor and Gamble of all people have owned it since 2003, and it closed the fashion operations this year. So it could well be a Rochas dress but I agree that it could well be in the last year or two in a...
Hmm. It's a modern dress, but it is very 60s looking. I like it! I think the price written on as 1000 NT is the Taiwan New dollar, so if the price is 1000 it converts to $30.88 US (according to the currency converter, I don't just know that, lol!).
The font looks like the one used by Rochas...
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