Search results

  1. Hattysattic

    Buyer wants to return due to comfort - how to handle?

    These are the platforms in question, I am assuming (am I right Deborah?)
  2. Hattysattic

    If you are in the market for a camera...

    :USETHUMBUP: Excellent link Deborah, thank you!
  3. Hattysattic

    Victorian smelling salt bag? 20s Belt Bag?

    Very nice indeed, I love the little danglies! However I am clueless as to it's purpose and look forward to hearing! (OT - Is that a scan Michelle? I can never seem to make things look good like that when I scan them.. )
  4. Hattysattic

    Buyer wants to return due to comfort - how to handle?

    Ditto - you obviously gave the right measurements etc. as the size was correct. I think it is at your discretion really, but agree that suggesting they contact the underbidder and kindly offering the decription and pictures for resale would be my first response, and see how they react. Those...
  5. Hattysattic

    So YOU thought you had a good blog...

    LOL! I like that one.. and no I won't ask :)
  6. Hattysattic

    New items on Past Perfect Vintage

    Lots of things to drool over as usual - love the Pauline Trigere dress, I'd not seen that one!
  7. Hattysattic

    UPDATE: Now up on C&C!

    Wow! Am currently mid way through another georgette heyer novel (so sad I know but I love them!) and it's fantastic to see the regency stuff that's being described in a full colour photograph! Fantastic selection Lei :USETHUMBUP:
  8. Hattysattic

    help with label

    This is annoying me as I need to know now too! Will see if I can find anything later today..
  9. Hattysattic

    holy moley look at all the jewelry - Lots of pics

    You're doing sterling work! I actually quite like doing jewellery listings (the few times I have) as it involves a lot more sitting down than when listing dresses.. :D
  10. Hattysattic

    My first eBay auction! Wish me luck! (non vintage item)

    I think it is a seasonal thing - so always good to buy ahead for bargains! Glad your other things have been selling :)
  11. Hattysattic

    Shaheen sarong dress & more!

    Penney's is my favourite. Keep up the good work Laura, it's looking great!:USETHUMBUP:
  12. Hattysattic

    NEW vintage clothing clothing store

    Hello there, Nice site, I like the layout a lot. Welcome!! :)
  13. Hattysattic

    help with label

    I am absolutely no help with this one - very intriguing though! Is it quite a modern item? Size tag looks newer. Hopefully someone will recognise it!
  14. Hattysattic

    V&A Exhibition snaps!!

    Ooh, all are fabulous but how much do I want the Pussy Galore dress.. those SLEEVES!! :clapping::clapping: Look forward to seeing it all in the flesh if I can get myself organised enough....
  15. Hattysattic

    27 & Counting! Hats Galore... being listed!

    Well done Michelle! I would have given up long ago...
  16. Hattysattic

    Need Keywords For 60s Chiffon Dress.

    My mum has just told me that Royal Ascot fashion was all about 'monochrome', apparently. She saves me the cost of buying the guardian by phoning me up daily and telling me at length what was in the fashion bits... A very useful service!!
  17. Hattysattic

    holy moley look at all the jewelry - Lots of pics

    Number 8 is cool, kind of reminiscent of a coronet or shield? But definitely sparkly, which is the best part. I like pretty much all of them. How much more have you got to sort Chris?
  18. Hattysattic

    HUGE Amount of Early 40s FABRIC!

    Just think of the projects! Great find Sue :USETHUMBUP:
  19. Hattysattic

    A few more to be coming tonight after 9:00 pacific

    Well the last one was my favourite - so well done computer, lol! :)
  20. Hattysattic

    What vintage hat designer used this

    Don't worry, it was that or continue tidying up my dress racks, lol! I may try again later :)
  21. Hattysattic

    What vintage hat designer used this

    This is really irritating me as I am sure I knew this - I do recognise it! I googled for ages last night but to no avail.. it's a bit of a needle in a haystack search as you say Michelle!
  22. Hattysattic

    Mother of groom needs dress!!

    Bumping for myself and Linda (and anyone else) - sorry I got sidetracked and will go and look now Deborah!
  23. Hattysattic

    Need Keywords For 60s Chiffon Dress.

    Anne did so much better than I was about to so would recommend her ideas :D I too am all out of inspiration as I haven't been listing.. need to get back to it then I will be more use here!
  24. Hattysattic

    Pop beads!

    I don't think I've seen them that shape before either! The DuBarry tag I can see - is that fairly common as I recognise it?
  25. Hattysattic

    Bridal Gown wanted

    Does it have to have the scalloped hem yvonne? I have quite a few but nothing that exactly fits the bill.. will keep looking, and congratulations!!
  26. Hattysattic

    A Totally Phenomenal Documented Bill Blass

    Oh now that is definitely very cool! Will watch with interest!! ;)
  27. Hattysattic

    Last ? for the week (I think) - listing ideas

    I definitely feel the toga vibe, lol! Looks a really nice dress - is it lined?