Search results

  1. Hattysattic

    Hi gang, I'm new here, pleased to meet you!

    Late with the greeting, but hello Hollis Mk II!!:hiya:
  2. Hattysattic

    Help dating shoes. 1980's, or later?

    I would be confused too - Bally do do that classic line where a lot seemed unchanging for ages. They might do better in modern as I'm sure people must search current section for Bally. What's the price? That might help me...but I'm sure someone else could identify on style alone :)
  3. Hattysattic

    Mother of groom needs dress!!

    I shall have a look tomorrow... :hiya:
  4. Hattysattic

    It's very strange seeing one's name under Cilla Black's on a wall.....

    :headbang: that is so cool! Well done Liz!! I am very excited, and am going to book tickets as soon as holiday is over. I can't even imagine how you would feel talking to Mr Bates but I really think it is something you must do as it's one of those once in a lifetime things!! Now go back...
  5. Hattysattic

    And another one! Prom dress description

    Definitely liquid satin - gold, in a creamy way!
  6. Hattysattic

    Help me describe this dress and bolero set!

    Thanks Deborah! I go tomorrow...hurrah! It is quite tartan isn't it Linda. Am having a mental block, I need a tartan/plaid swatch book I swear!
  7. Hattysattic

    And another one! Prom dress description

    Not a great picture (quick snap in bad lighting, needs to be redone, also mannequin too skinny!) but wonderfully OTT dress. 1950s prom in heavy satin and tulle. VGC aside from tulle which I intend to put a little centre seam in to disguise the worst of as there is a ton of it. Keywords...
  8. Hattysattic

    Help me describe this dress and bolero set!

    Sorry I copied the thumbnail code by mistake... two many balls in the air!
  9. Hattysattic

    Help me describe this dress and bolero set!

    Very pretty manmade taffeta 1940s evening dress and bolero in plaid? check? I know the description can vary from county to country, but why do I think Madras? I won't list 'til I get back from holiday next week but any help much appreciated. Has lost the makers label, but there is...
  10. Hattysattic

    a whole lotta ebaying going on

    Hollis I completely understand! I love mens vintage suits, and think they would be a great thing to specialise in IF you had the dedicated (and effective) storage for it. As it is if I do get any nice blazers or suits they have to be on a straight in and out basis. I just have one de-mob suit...
  11. Hattysattic

    How can I get this pucciesque hat and handbag duo noticed?

    Glad I was not alone in my auction-pulled-ness, if you know what I mean. Daft though!
  12. Hattysattic

    Calling out for vintage fashion photos once again, this time rainbows and butterflies

    OK, no 40s 50s yet but these may be some good. Both taken from the book 'Native Funk and Flash: An Emerging Folk Art' - (written by Alexendra Jacopetti Photographs by jerry Wainwright... pub. Scrimshaw Press 1974) "Pat Haines' Levi Jacket, done in satin stitch with fine silk threads...
  13. Hattysattic

    Calling out for vintage fashion photos once again, this time rainbows and butterflies

    Now I'm a bit of a fan of rainbows and unicorns.. will check out some books later this evening as I am sure I MUST have some stuff to scan for this one!
  14. Hattysattic

    Vested Gentress Sailboats

    Gorgeous! I love VG prints, as do many others.. sure that one will do well! ;)
  15. Hattysattic

    The Remodeled VFG Timeline

    It's looks fantastic Hollis, and makes for enjoyable reading too! :headbang:
  16. Hattysattic

    a whole lotta ebaying going on

    I think you and I have similar tastes Linda! All fantastic Hollis, I do like to look at your auctions.. lots for the gents too which is wonderful! :)
  17. Hattysattic

    Dry Cleaning your vintage - UK thread!

    Here is someone I have been tempted to investigate for very special things (i.e. silk satin wedding dresses etc.).. don't know if anyone else has tried?
  18. Hattysattic


    Still looking out (saw one but you were already on it Sara!:USETHUMBUP:).. just a bump for you!
  19. Hattysattic

    Cross listing your ebay items. Worth the expense?

    Well I am going to experiment with listing in both categories when I get back to listings the week after next!
  20. Hattysattic

    Bathing/Swim costume ?'s

    I usually associate the plastic fixings with 60s too. That first one is fantastic - I love the print on the reverse! I haven't seen a denim one piece like that before.. cool! :)
  21. Hattysattic

    Superb Vintage Mod Leather Coat

    Fantastic find Lynn, and I totally agree bout the trims. What luck!
  22. Hattysattic

    Does anybody really read auction listings?

    Cross posted with Michelle - see we both agree it must be excited buyers, so that many enquiries are good!!
  23. Hattysattic

    Does anybody really read auction listings?

    I think people do sometimes skip through things (I like to think they are so excited that they found something they want is the reason they read so quickly and missed it!LOL). Maybe if you state the costs in the ebay section at the top they would be more blatantly obvious - but then I realise...
  24. Hattysattic

    Meet Molly...

    He is also now over his amour.. realising that puppies may want to bite his ankles so a little more of a safe distance is best!! Luckily he is quite good at walking away from her when she is trying to playfight - I think he would squash her if he joined in!
  25. Hattysattic

    How can I get this pucciesque hat and handbag duo noticed?

    That was my thought , but now I just don't risk things because of it...
  26. Hattysattic

    60's?? Over the knee boots.. need a bit of help in dating

    I really do think they look 60s. chisel toes etc.. They are great! No point me asking the size as vintage boots never usually fit me and my sturdy calves, lol (the reason I wear bellbottoms the majority of the time!) Would the top be folded over a la dick whittington?
  27. Hattysattic

    How can I get this pucciesque hat and handbag duo noticed?

    Agree with Chris - 'psych' seems to be a popular title in the UK but maybe psychedelic is better if you have the room.... I have been known to search for the odd psychedelic item in my time! The whole keyword spam thing was new to me when I first started selling vintage online. It doesn't...
  28. Hattysattic

    60s? 50s? Completely beaded and embroidered heels

    It's hard to see the underlying shape (like how skinny the heels are etc) due to all that fabulous beadwork! I think I really need to buy a good shoe book (Jonathan? :D) - but later 50s is my slightly uneducated guess. How high is the heel?
  29. Hattysattic

    60's?? Over the knee boots.. need a bit of help in dating

    Wow! They are truly fantastic Michelle :love008: They look very 60s to me too but shall wait for more qualified opinions...
  30. Hattysattic

    My Ruby Lane Shop is Now Open!

    Me too.. a little too much :BAGUSE: