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  1. Hattysattic

    One dress I knew I would be keeping from the start!

    Very glad I have approval! Now I need to think about shoes.. what would be best? Garden wedding in summer (although British so prepared for wet grass, have made a mistake of the heel sinking variety in the past!) I shall start looking, any ideas welcomed.... :D
  2. Hattysattic

    Last platforms for a while! *skint* !!!!

    wow! I think Chris may like those too.. very cool!:headbang:
  3. Hattysattic

    Gunne Sax

    Afraid i'm no help Jennifer but I shall keep this bumped up (oh and I love the 2nd dress of Maggie's there..)
  4. Hattysattic

    Edwardian and wearable!

    I think my favourite is the sailor blouse! :clapping:
  5. Hattysattic

    My first eBay auction! Wish me luck! (non vintage item)

    Well done Roxy - I think it sounds great, and you've given a far more thorough condition report than you often get which is very encouraging for bidders. Sure they will do well, it just takes a while for people to notice things at first I think :USETHUMBUP:
  6. Hattysattic

    Finally, I am allowed another dog!

    I'm glad I have your support too :) LOL! Sorry disappeared off last night with a headache (just as my listings ended on eBay, so perfect timing when I had invoices to sort :() but am back on form today. Will be sure to post pictures when I get her/him!
  7. Hattysattic

    help with Gucci

    Oh now that's nice! I'm sure someone who knows more than me will be along shortly.... :)
  8. Hattysattic

    A few more listed

    oh I don't know Deborah, looks pretty organised to me! Love the gloves :clapping:
  9. Hattysattic

    Finally, I am allowed another dog!

    The war of attrition has been won by me.. :D Husband well and truly in agreement. Our scrappy mongrel is now 6 years old and feeling lonely, so when we get back from holiday in 3 weeks we shall begin looking in earnest (obviously I have already been looking, but cautiously!) I'm very...
  10. Hattysattic

    Listing this coming Wednesday evening (UK time) on eBay..

    Hi Lynn, Yes I did, and I have had all sorts of trouble with her but I do like the way she looks. It was a cheapy I think (while still sold as good quality!) and the heavy chrome base was spot welded to the pole, and immediately snapped. I need a new one really, I had to get my Dad to...
  11. Hattysattic

    Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

    :clapping: Welcome from the not so sunny UK (although not as bad today, thank fully:) ) Good to see you!:hiya:
  12. Hattysattic

    Two more pairs of platforms!

    Roxy they are fab! I particularly like the Fanfare pair. Have never heard of them either but they are cool!:cool:
  13. Hattysattic

    Ribboned dress - I'm puzzled - ?'s

    Would stump me too - looks sparkly clean! What closures does it have?
  14. Hattysattic

    Listing this coming Wednesday evening (UK time) on eBay..

    I am quite fed up about the sheath - from my wardrobe but my hips just don't agree with it... :(
  15. Hattysattic

    Nina Ricci Midi Sweater Wrap - ???

    Looks later to me, 1980s? Very cosy looking ..with the storm clouds gathering that's just what I want right now over here in the UK! So there are two identical sashes? And yes I can imagine that hat with a matching mac, 1960s vote here!
  16. Hattysattic

    Listing this coming Wednesday evening (UK time) on eBay..

    See, I am being more organised and this actually counts as an official sneak preview! More coming Sunday night too... (Surely these newfound organisational skills can't last!? :D)
  17. Hattysattic

    Graphic/Novelty Print 60s shift frocks - anyone seen dated catalogue/editorial spreads?

    Agree on your dating myself. Do you know my reference as far as magazines etc. is concerned has a great big gap from 1962 to about 1970! Which means I am no help at all as far as evidence goes! Infact I advertised on Freecycle (addicted) for old magazines to even photocopy for reference from...
  18. Hattysattic

    Nina Ricci Midi Sweater Wrap - ???

    You know I am going to ask for a picture.. :D Aside from that I do associate that type of thing with the dates already offered up. Talk about getting lost in stuff when tidying - I always get teased for that, as all my tidy up attempts (especially sideboards and drawers) end up with me...
  19. Hattysattic

    Belated sneak preview! Mollie Parnis etc., listed Sunday

    Sara, a consistent buying habit over 10 years or so seems to have left me with a few too many (as if you can ever have too many - but still!) ;) I've tried to list a few more realistically sized ones this coming week - I always think when I put things up with a 24" waist 'no one will bid on...
  20. Hattysattic

    Belated sneak preview! Mollie Parnis etc., listed Sunday

    This went up last night (Sunday), along with the pretty cotton sundress I asked about earlier in the week. I have a ton more full skirted 50s dresses coming up this week (Wednesday and Sunday) :USETHUMBUP: Am really trying hard to create some room... and will try to remember to post...
  21. Hattysattic

    Wiggle Sheath just listed and more coming this evening

    Oh drat, I missed it too! Glad it went to Linda though :) May have to bid on 60s heals style dress though! :D Great stuff Deborah (I like the 70s top too - oh well let's face it I like everything!)
  22. Hattysattic

    Fur Question

    Sadly as you probably know I am not at all good with fur. Marmot? That is just a guess with the slightly stripy look! I really am not sure.
  23. Hattysattic

    Fantastic 60s Ben Barrack Dress Ensemble..Don't Eat The Daisies!

    Just gorgeous Linda! And it really is very similar to the de la Renta isn't it. Well spotted! :)
  24. Hattysattic

    Any Advice On How To Fix A Broken Zipper?

    It is tricky - I have had a few of my own things where I knew they would fit me with a little less opening, then have wiggled the teeth back in (no real skill, just much wriggling!) and then put a safety pin across on the inside to stop it coming off again/going right to the bottom. I have had...
  25. Hattysattic

    Identification of Vintage Lingerie Label

    It almost looks like a triangle with a bicycle in (but I am due for my eye test, so don't quote me!)
  26. Hattysattic

    One dress I knew I would be keeping from the start!

    Sorry, have been at the dog rescue place all day.. :BAGUSE: My parents best friends are getting married in June (finally! they have been together for 30 years but aren't particularly conventional), and I did have an outfit picked out but I think this may have to replace it!
  27. Hattysattic

    One dress I knew I would be keeping from the start!

    I bought this on ebay (auction) a few weeks ago, along with a few other things. It was one of those risky dark picture no description things for all of them ,and unfortunately the sellers idea of 'looks unworn' was obviously to shove everything in the washing machine and not iron them, causing...
  28. Hattysattic

    Brain dead! Can you help me with a description?

    Thanks guys! Back at it today with a fresh eye too :USETHUMBUP:
  29. Hattysattic


    Sara that's gorgeous!! I don't have anything currently but will keep an eye out for you :)