Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

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Hi! I'm (another?) Angie. :D I heard about this board from another forum and thought I'd come check it out!

I'm sort of a noob when it comes to vintage- I've always loved it but was given my first piece just this week-a cardigan from the 50's (or at least I was told it was from the 50's). I'm looking forward to learning more about vintage and expanding my vintage wardrobe (and meeting all of you of course!).

Well.. that's about it for now, I just thought I'd come here first and say hi.

Have a great day!
Hi, angie1022! Welcome to this'll learn lots of wonderful interesting things about vintage...just look around and see what all the forums offer. I've learned quite a bit in my short time here!

Good luck!
Hi all! My name is Arlene, I have been selling vintage and collectibles for about 9 years now, but never really tried Vintage clothing. A few weeks ago, I saw some 1930's dresses, couldn't pass them up, went to the ebay vintage clothing board for help, it was a wednesday, I believe. Well, that is eye candy day. Uh I cannot stop looking for vintage clothing. Very new, I know practically nothing, but I know what appeals to me when I see it. Problem is, that ranges from the 20s, to the 80s. I don't know where I was or what I was doing from the 60s to the 80s, but my mind has all the styles confused, and I am trying to sort out what belongs to what era. So forgive me, I will most likely lurk quite a deal, trying to absorb all of your wonderful pointers, and will probably bother you with many questions...I hope someday to look at a piece, know what the style was called, and from what era! I'm reading the book "Dressing Up Vintage" right now. Any other books anyone can recommend?
Hi Arlene,

So glad you decided to drop in. It sounds like you have been "bittten" alright. You have come to the right place, so lurk, ask questions and look around. There is a lot of good information on the site and just going thru the old posts too. I dont have an extensive library so Im not the best one to advise but someone will come along. Meanwhile check out the links from the home page.

Hi all,

I just changed my user name on Ebay and my Ebay store name to better reflect my newfound passion for finding and selling vintage items....
I am now "glamourpussvintage" and my store name is, what else,


Have a great weekend!!
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