Hi Everyone!
This is such a wonderful website! I've only just registered here and I already love browsing the messages for informations, tips and advice! It's so friendly! I only wish I knew enough to be able to help people with their queries, but that's why I'm here......I've been interested in vintage fashion, well 60s and 70s mainly, for around 12 years, and I started selling vintage clothing and accessories on eBay about a year ago. I'd kind of lost my way with my interest in vintage clothing(other things just seemed to take over), but my selling has ~thoroughly~ revived that interest and then some!! I'm getting all excited again about searching for beautiful garments and fabrics only THIS time, I really want to LEARN more rather than just using the uniqueness and appeal of vintage garments for fantabulous dressing up! But that's good too, right? :spin: So at the moment I'm looking for study pieces, from the 1900s to 40s particularly, so that I can get a real feel for the fabrics and designs and hopefully educate myself a little! Waffling now....... Anyway I couldn't go without saying a big "thank you" to Lei, Harriet and Jonathan, who have ALREADY helped me with dating a pair of skating boots that were mystifying me ~ THANK YOU!! Great to be here, hope to chat to anyone and everyone soon!
Emily x