Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

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Welcome :hiya: from another owner of four cats. Oh .... and I went to college at Beloit. Anyway - good luck with your new sales venues. You are off to a good start with all your listings. The more positive feedbacks you can get, the better. Some folks just purchase a bunch of low-cost items to start building in that direction.

I have yet to have a "crazy" customer ... but I imagine my turn will come. I have a retail business at my home (greenhouse and nursery) and during the selling season (I open May 1) I don't list much. The greenhouse business brings in a lot more $$$, but eBay does pay most of my bills for the winter and it's a LOT of fun.

You have such a head start with your degrees and your B/M experiences. There's a lot to learn about eBay listings and I think you will find this group very welcoming and helpful. Good luck to you! Amanda
:clapping: Hello!

It's very nice to 'meet' you! :) Hmmm.. I agree that Ebay is a law unto itself, and with some things you are better holding off for a fixed price (so mall sounds like a good idea in addition to some buy it nows in your ebay store .. however Ebay can spring a few nice results on you occasionally, so in my opinion it can be worth the risk sometimes :)

Your signature link works perfectly - I think you've got a great selection of items, and your listings look really good. The buyers have all the info they would need (clear condition reports and measurements), so I think you've done as much as you can your end to avoid any after-sale hassles.

In all honesty I've had about 2 completely unreasonable people to deal with whilst selling on ebay, and after quickly realising that that was what they were, skipped what could have been long drawn out argument for an immediate refund and end to the transaction. If they aren't going to happy with any other outcome, regardless of whether or not it's something you wouldn't normally return on (i.e. the dress colour doesn't match their new shoes) I am inclined to save myself the upset and just put it down to experience! Of course if I am at fault (which I am perfectly happy to admit I have been, but only very occasionally:D) I've apologised profusely and refunded shipping, the lot!

Out of 700ish I think I'm quite lucky, but I don't think you should be put off by the thought of it. I've found that the majority of ebay buyers are really very nice, especially if they are as passionate about what they're buying as you are about what you're selling.. Having well laid out policies like you have is a great start, as everyone knows where they stand - so fingers crossed for you!

Anyway, enough waffling. Welcome from not so sunny england! :hiya:
Hi antiquelady!


I know what you mean by being nervous, but all and all, I find that most people have been just great and you will have loyal customers before you know it :)

Welcome from Southern Illinois! We are so happy to have you!!


My name is Nicola. I am just starting out as a vintage collector. My interest is mostly 1960's mod fashion. I love the Biba/Carnaby St look. I am looking forward to being apart of this site.
Originally posted by Monk_Bought_Lunch

My name is Nicola. I am just starting out as a vintage collector. My interest is mostly 1960's mod fashion. I love the Biba/Carnaby St look. I am looking forward to being apart of this site.

Hi Nicola!:hiya:
Hi Nicola!

Welcome! If you like Biba, check out the workshop forum. Liz (emmapeelpants) did a workshop on the british boutique designers and Senti (premierludwig) did a Mod workshop - both I think you would enjoy

thought I’d introduce myself. I’m relatively new to vintage fashion, but for me it all started a couple of years ago, when I went to Armstrong’s (the biggest vintage clothing store in Scotland). The place fascinated me. After that, I’ve been buying, wearing and collecting and plan to have some stalls in the up and coming months around Scotland. My main era interests are the 50s and 20s. And I’ll gladly tell anyone who will listen about the time I got a pair of (what I think are 50’s) Salvatore Feragammo shoes with the original box for £1.
Hi everyone! I have a vintage ? beaded silk Saks dress that I need help dating, etc. I think it is circa 1980-1990 after looking at the label guide and it still has a price tag of $975 on it. Anybody wanna look?
Hello all.

I've been a regular on the eBay VCA board for a number of years, and registered here some time ago, but have only today been able to sign in and start enjoying these boards. I can see I'll need to find some chunks of time for enjoying things like Liz's Boutique Movement workshop and other great topics I've spotted just throughout my first browsing. Although I'm very occupied with a new business plan at the moment, popping in here will be another new pleasure to look forward to.

Thankyou, Lizzie, for sorting out my password access issue.

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