and speaking of new magazines....
I absolutely 110% love my new library edition from you lizzie of the 1937 Brides Magazine!!!
Today is swealter heat.... so I'll be cooly reading at my desk!
Thank you so very very much!! :bouncy::USETHUMBUP:
If you like ...... vintage jewelry..... can I say...EARRINGS!
If you like ..... vintage shoes ......
You've got to peek at the gallery for my My Ebay Board
Everything starts at 9.99 and No Reserve!
I've got 30+ auctions running...and some more scheduled for tonight:
arghhhh back to the dresses for a minute.... that cute little red/wht number only has 28 hits!!!!!!!! Anybody got some suggestions for a better title??
would she qualify for a "Patio party " ???? to fit into VTA theme??? or is it too late since it's already on??
whaaa .... :(
ohhh I got it now.......:o
just get out my grandmother's scissors......shred everything I own and glue it together and
wha la! I'm in!!!!!
Couple more and I'll have to find one of those Fruits magazines! Yee is hard to comprehend. Where is the "look"... luvs company! I'm just south west edge of Rochester. Tell me when and I'll provide ice tea & treats!!!!! :)
anybody else wanna come and make it a mini party???? :bouncy: luvs company! I'm just south west edge of Rochester. Tell me when and I'll provide ice tea & treats!!!!! :)
anybody else wanna come and make it a mini party???? :bouncy:
Chris..... Wonderful!!!! In my humble opinion.....
stores need the internet, auctions, house sales, flea markets etc because
internet needs stores
auctions need stores
garage sales need stores
flea markets need stores.
We all intermingle and depend on each other to keep the flow...
Great dresses!!!!
Wondering about your comment on "this needs some more work with, I think, vinegar solution on various parts of the dress"--
What do you use? And for what type stain/marks on what fabrics???
The mustard is stunning. I certainly agree with your mid 40 age estimate. Looks...
How will YOU classify Fall \'05 fashions in 2050??
Through another discussion group I discoverd a fabulous fun e-magazine today: What fun reading!
In strolling through the May issue I went all through the Fall '05 coutour runway show. Yikes!!!!! And immediately my brain...
My model is a "friend of the store" who has become very dear to me! She has been visiting me since pregnant with her first child who is now eight. She comes and visits with son & daughter (now 4) and we all just have a grand ol time! The kids are learning very well how to "visit a store"! ;)...
These really are my favorite shoes out of the whole 200+ I acquired.....
And super super honerable mention here too:
just a heads up..... I got more photos done and tech specs ready.... she'll be going on live auction sale very shortly!
Time to change mi'lady's clothes! ;)
something.. wild ... I think...... in line with those funky dresses! What laughs we have been having in the store over those...
Hi again.... sorry the photos disappeared--yes they are now gone and the images got later deleted from the FTP file. Forgot to leave one on for the board post!! Will try to remember that in future.
and just a current tidbit on popularity - plastic fun bangles seem to be flying out of the...
Well thanks folks! gosh I wish you could all come on over and play dressup with me!!!!!!
Jamie..the box purse with the big flowers is a vintage 60s item.
Maybe we could create a new society: The Mad Mods! (something akin to the Red Hats!!) ..... Boy..... wouldn't that be a hoot! asked for's some groupie shots from around the racks and piles:
and of course more shoes -- I just posted some more pics under the sneak preview thread of Shoes from Heaven!
This really is a Fun Fun estate!:love008: Thanks for allowing me to share...
and some more shots around the shoe store!
Wanna see some more?????????
Well I'm going to show you anyway!!!!! I am just in love with this shoe collection! I've even found some to fit my 8 1/2 W foot!!! yiippeee!
and we still have a couple "garbage bags"...
OK..... one woman's trash is another's treasure......
take a look at this little number -
oh Austin! Where are you??
another of the new/old stock...... from National Company and originally sold at $16.00!!! Still has store tag.
Put this with the white vinyl gogo boots and...
Hi Jamie.....hooray for you!!!! Looks great and I love your childhood pictures and
already got SOLDs posted there!! Way to go....!!
Just curious....what shopping cart program are you using?
OK.....tip here..... now go over to your profile page here in vfg and change...
dare is say this looks like the "P" word print...... hehehe
The purses aren't as terribly exciting.... but some funky fun... Ok OK..... will do a "pile" shot! Took some shoe-y shots last night too. Will give some "general views" in here either tonight or early morning tomorrow...
only one sombrero sold and it's going to land..... in Hungary! Interesting place for a Mexican Sombrero!
fun pair of gogo boots went on and just got a bid tonight.
As I'm strolling through the summery shoes and looking at all the suedes and leathers....can't wait for the fall swing...
Current round......
Latest package added.... (sorry but the cute 50s sold immediately in Buy Now)
Thanks for all the help so far! Have learned oodls again....gotta love this business!
quick question....... what's the difference between just hi heels and stiletto?
Are stiletto shoes really hi? and pointy too? Is a shorter pointy heel a stiletto too?
2nd... got a catchy name for shoes from the 70s with that big chunky heel? not real tall .... just big and squarish.
Here's a peek at some of the dresses that are photo'd and on auction now. These are all short length and/or mini's and many have never been worn! Most running "size 12": (apologize for not being on a mannequin... she's at shop and dresses are home! Can't win!) They look "boxy" because they...
Fab Florenza!!!
That's an awesome Florenza bracelet. Most likely late 50s -- mid 60s vintage.
Here's a very similar set that dates to the same time frame that I just acquired. (Have 1 pearl to replace yet .. then will get it listed. )
Florenza is SUPER good collectible besides...
Chris...give me a foot span measure on your tootsies and I'll double check for you. Since these were worn a few times they are "relaxed" and maybe maybe....
Talked to the woman today.... I'm going back Monday and buying her out! I had so much fun going through all these shoes. I know some...
Now I'm not normally known for doing lots of 60s-70s stuff but..... O M G! I was invited to purchase from "the estate from heaven" of that era!
Bought 53 print mini dresses!!!.... 30pr shoes.... and scabs and ooodles more! AND I'm going back!
Here's the first 4 shoes I got done. Two...
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