Search results

  1. Another Time Antiques

    Vintage Handbags, tips

    ooooohhhh there's that gorgeous orange bag!! What great looking bags - all! Nice group!! Just peeked in your auction for the orange purse - bust??waist?? hehe.... and can you share some info about that USbuyer - Japan logo thing??? Thanks!
  2. Another Time Antiques

    Rhinestone Starburst Yellow Sheath Dress

    well.....guess I'm not the only one in the clubhouse.... ;) It's comforting but disappointing at the same time too. Oh well....this week has started off pretty good....first time in many weeks so maybe the spell is already broken! :) Thanks for the compliments on the dress-yeh-I really...
  3. Another Time Antiques

    Rhinestone Starburst Yellow Sheath Dress

    I'll be honest..... I may or may not list this next week because I can't seem to sell anything!!!! on ebay lately!! (Are we done with summer slows yet??????? :( ) But the photos and writeup are all set to go so here's a peek. The dress is by Mardigras NY and is absolutely stunning! The...
  4. Another Time Antiques

    c1880 baby's gown w/ TINY TINY tatting

    c1880 baby\'s gown w/ TINY TINY tatting Here is a couple shots of another 19th century garment currently in inventory. It dates to post Civil War-1880 era and has the tiniest made tatted lace trims! Its still in original condition and just a charmer to the hilt! The lace...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    Some neat things from me... coming soon!

    Oh My ........ gas up the Limo! We're going to town! Ouch----sizzle.......those are dyn-o-mite eye treatin' 2die4 dresses/tops!!!!!! Barb:P
  6. Another Time Antiques

    Late Bustle Era/Blue Velvet- Show & Tell!

    the velvet dress Thanks folks.... it's fun to share these items!! I'm beginning to think the victoriana collectors have dimished... so it's good to find kindred souls here!! That velvet is in pretty amazing condition! It is the cotton velvet on the heavy ground. I did spend a lot of...
  7. Another Time Antiques

    Late Bustle Era/Blue Velvet- Show & Tell!

    End of a long day...but did finish my pictures for my late Victorian blue velvet dress. Here are a couple of them. This garment is two piece and the shirt has a "flap" like area that ties in separately around the waist. This pleated/gathered back creates an area for fullness for a fanny...
  8. Another Time Antiques

    Can you read this signature?

    ooohhh cherry pie---- cherie pie..... I think you may have hit on something! I can see casallave in those rolls. Will do some research on that! and I just threw this signature into the label thread for possibilities.....
  9. Another Time Antiques

    Can you read this signature?

    new idea! this mystery just gave me an idea..... in our labels resource page, maybe we should have a catagory called: mysteries!:D
  10. Another Time Antiques

    Can you read this signature?

    heres the corner of the allover design: <img src=>
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Can you read this signature?

    heres my thinking my eyes are seeing.... Jean Cas _ _ ane or Jean Casavove ? or Jean Casamere ? she must be registered somewhere!!!!!!!:o The design says the scarf is very 60s to 70s era....... Jean - where are you!!!!!!
  12. Another Time Antiques

    Can you read this signature?

    yeah.....thats about when I started! Gave up and tucked her away....... :)
  13. Another Time Antiques

    Can you read this signature?

    Hi.... This is the signature block on a beautiful OpArt silk scarf. I've traveled around cyberworld trying to figure out who this is. Any guesses here?? Thanks! .........ohboy.....brain freeze.....why can't I get my picture...
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian dresses including 1 rarity!!

    Hi Sue....they are shot but not uploaded yet. Hopefully by weeks end. Decided to take advantage of ebay's fixed price sale day and relisted the leg of mutton dress again at straight price. Hopefully the next 170 people group will have the right one! She is SOOOO wearable, it's hard to...
  15. Another Time Antiques

    looking for nehru jacket

    Have another "wants".... A customer just asked me about a black, 40 chest nehru jacket (hi collar). If you have something, send me u2u and I'll pass on the customer's email.
  16. Another Time Antiques

    OLD THREAD 2004 -just registered? INTRODUCE YOURSELF

    Greetings all....... so great to see so many newcomers finding their way here! This wonderful group and website have nowhere to go but up up up!:) Best thing to hit the vintage market in years! Vintage is alive - it just never dies!
  17. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian dresses including 1 rarity!!

    Just one last ps on the thread here. The first dress barely reached $30 in bidding. Very sad.... (and of course it was listed with a reserve. These are too hard to find to throw to whim sales!) But honestly, I'm not totally discouraged. As I wrote in another thread here, the cycles go...
  18. Another Time Antiques

    Need some 60s ORANGE accessories

    Thanks for all the great responses!!! I love this new board! My customer will be thrilled that I was able to turn up something for her consideration! Thanks for the pictures and the lookings....
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Need some 60s ORANGE accessories

    any body got orange gloves??????? :)
  20. Another Time Antiques

    Need some 60s ORANGE accessories

    Thanks folks. Appreciate the feedbacks. Chris--your u2u came in ok, too. Mostly it's a purse and shoes I'd like to get for her. Bright orange just like an orange will be perfect. How exciting..... can't wait to check in again! Thanks all!!
  21. Another Time Antiques

    Need some 60s ORANGE accessories

    One of my super shop customers bought a terrific white organdy dress and a smashing orange and white trim broadbrim hat this weekend. It creates a "new era" look. What I need for her is size 6 orange shoes and hopefully a cute vintage 50-60 orange purse. Maybe patent leather?? Please...
  22. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian dresses including 1 rarity!!

    Oppss got so busy over weekend forgot to check back in! Thanks for the compliments and feedback comments. Re the "leg/mutton" - some good points mentioned. The turn of the century is such a fascinating period of fashion silhouettes - so many extremes in such a relatively short number of...
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian baby clothes

    In about 2 days, I'll have some very wonderful baby items on board from the turn of the century. One is a little girls dress that is totally wonderful! c1895-1910 with wonderful textured fabric, eyelet, orig buttons etc etc. Big enough for a toddler girl today. I also am listing a...
  24. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian dresses including 1 rarity!!

    I'm super pleased to have a group of dresses from one family. One is a great leg of mutton sleeve day dress, one is a blue print silk and the last one is my most unusual garment! The skirt is a split, wrap skirt!! In all my 26 yrs of vintage handling, I haven't seen on like this. Here's...