Hi guys, I am new to the forum and I am here for some help. I found this little treasure in a thrift shop in Bulgaria! So happy! Can you please help me identify and date it? My best guess is that it's some kind of basketball jacket/vest combo from the 70s? It's got quite a basebally look about...
I found this lovely wrap dress with pops of yellow and blue. The label says "the collection" and I can't pinpoint it in the label resources when it might have been made. Help appreciated!
Hello everyone. Anyone have any idea how old this gorgeous hat might be? It's a foldable, fan style wide brim sun hat that is a little shorter brimmed in the back.
The frame is made out of very thin bent pieces of wood (bamboo?).
The fabric is dusty rose pink, sheer, super thin and...
I was needing help identifying this dress. I spent hours searching and tried google image, but haven't had any luck. It is an extremely heavy and thick material. The back has an open cut out or laser cut out. The tags have been cut out so there is not even a tag telling me for sure what kind of...
Hi All,
I really would appreciate any info, input, or advice for these shoes that I found at the Salvation Army. They're in perfect shape looks like they've been worn once. The only label is the one stamped into the back of the heel. Ive attached images. I'm a size 6 and they're a smidge too...
I'd would like to get informations about this dress, mainly about when it could have been done, fabric type, about the zips, lace/embroidery name ... Thank you for reading !
PS : There is a big hole in the lining in the back.
Black part: It's made of crepe, wich looks shinny on the inside...
Picked this up on Ebay for my new riding jacket. Love the fit and feel but don't know who or when it was made. Would anyone be able to help identify a possible date or manufacture on this jacket? Very thick leather maybe horsehide? Seller dated 50's or 60's? No tags only one inside jacket about...
Hello everyone,
I have had this Canadian Infantry patch for a while. Although I know it is vintage, I haven't been able to find another one or date it. Anyone have any ideas as to what the background is on this?
I just am re-entering VFG after a long time. Never have remembered my PW. I sold sell on ebay, etsy and ecrater. At times I just have no clue whether an item is vintage. I sell any;;thing, mens, womens or any item that I find interesting designer.
Recent find is this Vivienne Woodward black...
Hi There Everyone,
This coat is a bit puzzling to me. It is London Fog and looks to me like it's from the 1980s, but I'm not sure. It has brass buttons with "Canada" and anchors which seems official but it definitely doesn't look like military 'issue'.... Any thoughts?
Thanks for any direction...
Hi All,
I'm a relatively new collector and have been eyeing this dress. It's listed as a 20s, 30s piece but thought it could be earlier. It reminds me of a Titanic-style. That's velvet around the waist and collar. Thank you!
Thrifting today and I stumbled across this amazing wedding dress that I fell in love with. I'm not getting married but it's so much my style, looked pretty vintage AND my size... I had to try it on. Trying on led to purchasing because THIS beauty was 80% off (thank you thrift Gods)
So I started...
Hi everyone!
I recently picked up this beautiful coat with a fur collar and have been trying to identify what type of fur it is - maybe fox? The undercoat is very fluffy and striated and the long wispy strands are black/dark brown to white. Also, there is a Henri Bendel tag! Maybe 1940-50s? But...
Does anyone have an idea of what era these slippers are from? I found them in a old Samsonite suitcase from the 50's. Are these slippers from the 50's or older?
Does anyone have a clue the era of these shoes? I was told they belonged to Ma DuPont. Not sure if any relation to DuPont paints...
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are enjoying the holiday season so far.
I found 2 interesting pieces recently with which I need your gracious assistance.
Is this 1940s or 1950s?
The belt is missing, do you think it would have been grey satin to match the collar or black?
What would you call that...
I recently inherited a ton of vintage clothing that belonged to my Great grandmother. I've had a heck of a time find info on them. She kept everything, And I mean everything! I ran across this amazing beautiful capelet with a choker style collar. There are not any tags. I was hoping to learn...
I have tried looking for this GAP label and have dated this Jacket some time after the mid 70's and before 2005, but can anyone help me narrow a year down? TYIA.
Hi, I was hoping that maybe I could get help with my antique lace piece. At first I thought this was just a very long table runner, but now I'm thinking it may be a shawl. Would this have been worn by a bride? I was also wondering what type of lace and time period. Thank you so much for all of...
Hello, fellow vintage fanatics! :) I am new to this forum, and this is my very first post. I hope to be able to contribute a bunch to this community. Here are my questions regarding sheer dresses in the 1940s:
I was wondering if anyone knows what years sheer dresses (not just a sheer overlay on...
Hello! I am currently having a lot of trouble dating a dress I found at a thrift store. Everything about it is pointing to perhaps the late 40s - the 50s; the seams are saw-edged, it has a center back metal zipper (YKK), the sihlouette corresponds, ect. Based off of the inside, it looks home...
This one is not in the label resource and I'm trying to date it properly. I've seen some other examples in a different knit/denim variation with the same 'hand' label dated as early 90s...
Fitted denim jacket with sewn in knit sweater sleeves. Maybe you care label symbol geniuses would...
I just found my first Lilli Ann suit today at a flea market and I'm wondering what decade it's from. To me it looks like a 1950s suit however in the label database, this label is from an early 1960s coat. There is also a union label inside that was used from 1933-1964 so this doesn't really...
Hello All
I need help dating a pair of Betsey Johnson shoes. I know that they are no longer being made but would like to know the year that these were made. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here are more photos.
I almost fell over when I found this at my local salvation army (for $9.99:)) I looked through the label resource, and am feeling good about it dating to the early 60's, but would like to be certain. Also, I think the collar is sheared beaver (as it feels very much like a beaver coat I own) but...
Hello All,
I am so happy to be apart of this lovely group! This is my first post. I just acquired this lovely Lilli Ann Suit. I looked in your Label resource an it is telling me it is from around 1946. Did Adoldph Schuman make Lilli Ann Suits in 1934 ? This suit seems older than 1946.
Best Regards
I have just acquired this Persian/curly lamb capelet, with a Jean Patou label inside. The label is black, with "Jean Patou" and "Rue St. Florentin", "Paris". All of the labels I have found have been on a white background with a different font. The shape of this piece is slightly cocoon-ish, a...
Hi All,
I have a couple of men's short sleeve Pendleton wool plaid shirts that I am having trouble assigning a decade to. The combination of this particular style of Pendleton label (with no wool mark) alongside the washing instruction tag is perplexing me. Does anyone know when these labels...
I few years ago; I was gifted this coat, shearling/lambswool, I believe . I am trying to date the tag and find out any information on this item. Thank You
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