
  1. LaurenMG

    Help dating Diane von Furstenberg Career (?) dress

    Hi Everyone, Wondering if this is 80s or 90s or later? Also, would you call this a 'career' or tunic or what? Thanks for any help Lauren
  2. M

    M Missoni Decade Verification?

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what year/decade this M Missoni dress is from? Based on the label resource, it looks similar to a 2000s era dress. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Best, Madeline
  3. SewLongAgo

    Having trouble dating this Norman Hartnell dress!

    Hi all!! I just got this insanely good Norman Hartnell day dress, and I’m not sure how old it is? The style tells me 40s but the back zipper makes me think it’s newer? Any help would be much appreciated! Also it may need a clean; would it survive a drycleaning? Or is it best to leave it be?
  4. K

    Betsey Johnson

    Unsure of the age of this dress. After what year were Betsey Dresses made in China? Photo below, thank you all very much and I hope that you had a splendid weekend.
  5. Maddy95

    Help Dating a Nina Ricci Jacket and matching Shift Dress

    I believe that this jacket and dress date from the 1970s. I looked at the label reference and could not find a matching label. I look forward to opinions. The jacket has a sophisticatedbraid trim on the front with a half belt at the back while the zippers for the dress are very complex. There...
  6. R

    Seeking history/info Gene Shelly Dress

    I have this beautiful Gene Shelly. Wondering what it might be worth or how much it would cost to restore it. Or just any info about the dress or when it is from.
  7. mspinkgin

    ESCADA label thats not listed in label resource

    Hi All wonder if someone can help please? trying to date this label but not having much success. Does anyone know anything about this label regarding authenticity, date etc. Thank you in advance
  8. goldhawaiiancol

    How old is this Tommy Hilfiger item?

    Hey people! Just wondering if anyone could help me with how I would go about finding more info regarding when this item could have been made/released? It has a small phone pocket inside the jacket so I feel like it has to be late 90s/early 00s? Any ideas on how I could find out if it’s 90s or...
  9. S

    Pierre Balmain label

    Hi there, I'm trying to date this amazing Pierre Balmain chiffon kaftan. I hope somebody can help me to date it... Thank you!
  10. Gabriella88

    Help dating Jean Paul Gaultier dress

    Hello everyone! I’m new to the forum I would like to know if anyone recognize this dress or it’s collection. I tried searching here, also on internet and didn’t find anything. I found a dress that it’s also beaded in pearls, but the style and color is completely different, being that the only...
  11. bluevelvetvintage

    Did Diane Von Furstenberg make sleeveless wrap dresses in the 70s?

    Have a cute 1970s DVF wrap dress in floral rayon/cotton. But it is sleeveless. Anyone know if she designed sleeveless wrap dresses back then? Or was this maybe altered? I did find a photo of her wearing a a dress with the same print, but different style. So at least I have the decade right...
  12. B

    Help dating a Lilli Ann suit

    Trying to date this Lilli Ann Designed in Paris 2-piece suit. Not sure if it is 50’s or 60’s. Can anyone help?
  13. N

    Found Vintage Lilli Ann Coat

    Hi! I found this forum after searching for more information on a coat I just scored at Goodwill! It's beautiful and fits me like a glove! I can't find anything like it online though. It's a cream and lavender herringbone pattern, no collar or buttons, with diagonal slit pockets on the front, a...
  14. grandmascloset

    Help dating beaded velvet shoes

    These shoes have really confused me. They look older yet I'm wondering if they are more modern due to a few things. They are made of black velvet with iridescent beading. The heels are nailed on but the rest of the sole is glued. No labels are marking of any kind. Any help would be appreciated!
  15. NaoimiW

    Dating Two Pendleton Blazer Jackets

    Hello, I got these two Pendleton coats at an estate sale. The woman was petite and had many items from the 80s. I don't know much more about her than what I saw in her closet. Initially, they looked 80s to me, but upon further research, I'm not so sure. The 1st is a grey tweed blazer that came...
  16. denisebrain

    Jewelry help please: Edwardian? 20s? 30s? brooches

    I have a trio of costume jewelry brooches that I believe are paste stones set in pot metal (the silver/blue), and brass (gold/purple and maybe also the gold/green). The gold/green has a C-clasp, the gold/purple has a different sort of safety clasp than I've seen before, with the tiny tabs that...
  17. Cloweka

    Albert Nipon Evening Jacket

    Could anyone help me with dating this jacket? Thank you
  18. R

    marimekko suomi dress

    Can anyone tell me something about this dress? Age or collection of where i can find more information. I just loved the print and i bought it secondhand more then 20 years ago. Thank you :) Roos
  19. LaurenMG

    Help dating 30s? 40s? 50s? Point de Beauvais ? Tambour? Evening Bag

    Am I looking at 30s? 40s? 50s? I have seen this referred to as Point de Beauvais and wondering if that's an appropriate term? Thanks for any help Lauren
  20. S

    Joseph Ribkoff dress need help with era

    I found this Joseph Ribkoff evening dress in a thrift shop. I reached put to Joseph Rinkoff via their website for help with daring, but all they could tell me that it was made when all their records were paper based and they cannot narrow that down for me. My impression is that it is 1980's...
  21. M

    Vintage armani jacket? Help appreciated

    Hi, I have a taupe/dark beige armani jacket, the label is full of numbers and makes no sense so I'm struggling to find info. I've googled till I can't anymore and it may be 90s but I don't know further than that! 3 images included for any info and dating :) I've since had it dry cleaned so...
  22. L

    Help dating a Pendleton Coat

    I need help in dating this Pendleton High grade western wear coat. The label in the label resource for Pendleton western wear is slightly different than mine. Is this coat from the 60’s?
  23. donovan zavala

    HELP! Almost- antique aged Pendleton wool Jacket Identification?

    Hi I need help with some identification or any knowledge on this 1920-1940 Pendleton jacket I just found. I really appreciate it, I can’t find anything on it ANYWHERE so anything is appreciated!!
  24. L

    Dating a Pendleton Coat

    I recently purchased this coat from a thrift shop and would like some help dating it. It looks like the 1950’s label from the label resource, but I wanted to confirm that , thanks.
  25. NylonNostalgia

    Faerie vintage lingerie style and label dating resource.

    The beautiful 1940's and 1950's slips and nightgowns of the Fairy Silk Mills Inc of Shillington, Pennsylvania.
  26. S

    I need help dating this Joseph Ribkoff top and skirt.

    Hi guys, Well I bought this set yesterday not knowing anything about the designer (I’m in the U.K.) There are some loose threads and some beading missing and there are two slight stains inside the top which isn’t affecting the outside of it at all. So this outfit has seen better days and...
  27. A

    Dating missoni cardigan

    Hi all I am pretty sure this beautiful cardigan is from the 70s but as always with anything great I just need some confirmation from more of an expert eye to be sure. Many thanks Ami
  28. G

    Help to date a Pendleton light jacket

    Hi all. Hope that you can help me to date a vintage Pendleton light jacket. I think it's 1970s but it has a personalised label. I haven't seen a label like that before. It's really well made. Thanks everyone :)
  29. Katie Ol

    Thea Porter Dress - trying to date

    Hello guilders! First time poster, long time follower. I recently came into possession of this Thea Porter Dress and I haven't had any luck in dating it, or finding out any information about the green bunny pattern. The best I could do was determine that it dates sometime between 1969-71...
  30. Char E

    Diane Von Furstenberg Manuf. China - Blouse

    Hello, I have searched the label resources and did not find the year of this label. It was made in China and an exquisite perfect blouse. Also, curious about the $ listing before I post on my site. Any help is appreciated.