
  1. LaurenMG

    Help with Dating confirmation on Pendleton Wool Vest

    Hi Everyone, The closest match I see in the label resource is the 80s one. I thought this vest was a 60s vest, but my label has the TM mark which is one of the ways the 60s and 80s labels seems to vary. So would you say 80s on this? Also, does anyone know what tartan this is? Thanks in advance...
  2. M

    Does somebody know from which decade this varsity jacket is?

    Hey i just bought this sick Kaye Bros Award Jacket and im wondering from which decade it is and how much it worth today :) THX
  3. thedecorouscat

    Asian quilted pants

    Hi everyone. I’m hoping someone out there can help me with a pair of handmade quilted pants I recently acquired. I’m trying to figure out both the country of origin, as well as a rough date for them. The interior and waistband appears to be a rough cotton or linen but the exterior is what’s...
  4. B

    Date N 059903 60 wool skirt aquasculum made in england

    Is the actual date of the skirt 1960? Has a nylon zipper too. Black wool midi skirt.
  5. Zoe Lane

    Help Verifying Early 70s Marimekko Dress?

    Hello friends, I was lucky enough to run into what looks like a genuine, iconic print Marimekko dress. I looked at the label resource here on VFG and was unable to discern if what I have is an original make or a re-make using Marimekko vintage fabric. If I can figure it out (this is my first...
  6. Jennifer Kietzman

    Help Dating Lilli Ann Coat - 40s or 50s

    Hello! I am hoping someone will be able to help with the dating of this Lilli Ann coat. Unfortunately the coat is missing the label that usually appears at the back of the neck, but the fabric label is present. The coat is of a Lilli Ann style I recognize, but I’m not sure if it dates from the...
  7. L

    Huddlespun 3 piece help

    Hi! I’m new here! Trying to gather any information regarding the Huddlespun brand and it’s age. I have a three piece in new condition, and have zero clue about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  8. B

    YSL Clip on Earrings What Year? Are they worth anything?

    Hello everyone, I have recently acquired 2 pairs of YSL clip on earrings. They have the YSL stamp and look very vintage, but I can not find them anywhere on the internet. I have searched every term I can think of and have gone though many many pages of earrings, but can not find these. Does...
  9. A

    Help me identify my Burberry coat!

    Hi all! I bought this Burberry coat today and I would love some help identifying what year and season it’s from! It’s wool and was made in Italy :) I am happy to supply any additional photos/info!
  10. Melonie

    help Lilli Ann Swing Coat

    I purchased this coat today. Need help with date. I am thinking 40's by looking at your label resource? Also material? I know it is hard to tell in pictures, but it does not really seem like wool but it could be? You guys are so awesome all the time. I actually picked up several items and may...
  11. K

    Help dating Dolce&Gabbana corset top

    Hi, so I have this Dolce & Gabbana crystal embroided corset top and I am not sure about the year. I assume it's somewhere between 1990s to 1992 but would be great to know exact collection. Thanks!
  12. B

    Help dating a velvet gown with embellishment

    Hi! I was given this vintage (antique?) dress and told it was "early 20th century." I'm having some trouble figuring when exactly it is from. It does have a side zipper, but I wonder if it was added later? Inside it has a hand-stitched tag that says MARIELI. I included some pictures of the...
  13. Krihana

    Help Identify and date Henig Furs piece.

    I have a couple of pieces left to me that I need help identifying. One piece is a Henig furs piece, the other has no tags. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
  14. 10karigold

    Help with vintage fur coat

    Hello, I’d love some help identifying the type of fur and approximate age of a fur coat I found. I love it so much that I’d like to know more about it. It is made by Lando’s Furs from Vancouver BC which was established in 1912. I suspect the buttons or cut of the coat could make it easy(ish) to...
  15. Retrorebel

    Dating a turban hat, LL Hat Shoppe

    I'm intrigued by a hat I acquired recently and was hoping to find out more about the label, LL Hat Shoppe. It is a black silk velvet turban and at first glance I had thought 1930s, but the label looks older... Would love to hear your thoughts! (Label also says the company was founded in 1899 in...
  16. C

    Need Help Dating Orange Tab Levi's 25035 0214

    I bought a pair of orange tab Levi's online and I would like to figure out what year or decade they are from. The patch on the back says 25025 0214. I have tried Googling these jeans for a better idea, but nothing is coming up about a year or what "model" of Levi's they are even called. They...
  17. crystal

    Need help dating this robe

    Hi! I’m in need of help dating this robe. All my research indicates it’s potentially from the 40’s. All comparable items on eBay and Etsy range from 40’s-70’s and I would like to narrow that age gap down a bit. Everything I search for Lady Duff comes up with Lady Duff-Gordon and her brand...
  18. c.tavernari

    Help dating a pink dress

    Hi all, I would love to have some help in dating this pink dress. My guess is that it's not so old (80s maybe). The dress is quite a strange shade of pink (not sure how I would call it, maybe a kind of salmon pink) and it has no label at all. I looked everywhere but couldn't even find a spot...
  19. C

    Dating a pair of Ferragamo shoes

    Hello everyone! I'm new here and look forward to getting to learn more about vintage fashion. I recently bought a pair of shoes from the Ferragamo Creations line that are unlike any I have seen before. I would greatly appreciate any information this group might have regarding how old they are...
  20. Emily R

    Information on this vintage set

    Hi! I found this awesome top and skirt and am needing some info. Can anyone possibly tell origin and date or help with any info. Thanks!
  21. M

    Orvis fishing jacket

    Good afternoon- looking for some help dating this vintage orvis jacket Very cool label.
  22. L

    Help dating antique evening bag

    I recently inherited an exquisite antique petit point purse from my great grandmother and have been trying to date it and if at all possible find out any other information I can about it's origins! It is approximately 4x5 inches (not including chain and tassel) and completely flat when shut...
  23. L

    Help dating a Gloverall coat

    I was wondering if anyone could please help me date this Gloverall coat. I contacted Gloverall and asked for help dating this coat as well as another one and a cape, but unfortunately they weren’t able to help me. Thank you.
  24. Gabriella Patti

    Help Dating Hanes T-Shirt

    Hi there--I found this t-shirt with a silhouette of Alfred Hitchcock on the front and the text "The 39 Steps" (Hitchcock film, 1935) on the back. The brand is "Hanes." Vintage t-shirts are outside of my area of expertise, and I am wondering if someone who is familiar with Hanes over the years...
  25. kittenteethvintage

    Betsey Johnson dress dating

    I picked up a cute purple crushed velvet dress by Betsey Johnson, but cannot pin down the date. To me, I could see this dress being from anywhere between 90s-today, style-wise. Anyone familiar with this item, or maybe when this pink tag was used? Note- this dress is strapless, but since the...
  26. Emily R

    Help with dating and info on dress

    Found this amazing dress! Its really hard to get photos of but has a metal zipper on side and amazing detail. Trying to properly date and describe style
  27. kate_bugs

    Help dating/identifying fur coat

    Hello, I was wondering if I could have some help dating this fur coat I just purchased, and maybe figuring out what type of fur it is? This is my first time posting here, if any more information I need to include or anything like that please let me know! Thanks so much xx
  28. SusieQsie

    Mystery Cable Cardigan

    Hello, I have another one I need help with! I found this sweater cardigan years ago and it was kind of in sorry shape. Some of the buttons were missing and in bad shape. I replaced them with the same style of wood toggle as they were kind of deteriorating. The thread used to stitch the...
  29. Alexandria Dierkes

    Help identifying this Loden Londenfrey Coat

    Hello! I need help painting this coat. I originally thought it dates between the 40's-60's sometime, but I can't find enough substantial info. They have these beautiful buttons, which I found the info below on - "AUSTRIAN ARMY EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEPH 1848 VIRIBUS UNITIS . ANTIQUE LOT OF 4...
  30. R

    Authentic Imports

    Hi! Bought this jacket at the Goodwill and would love to learn more but I am coming up empty on my google search when I look up the brand. Does anyone know anything about Authentic Imports? Anyway, to tell how old the jacket is? Any information would be helpful. All I have found is people...