I spotted this beautiful necklace yesterday, and in looking at it, realized it was Trifari and bought it (for $8!). I have since done some searching and discovered it was a Philippe design, and seems to be referred to as Forget Me Not.
However, I cannot for the life of me find a single other...
Diane Love: Trifari After Alfred Philippe (written by VFG Member Janine Shaw @Distantdetails, with input from Love herself) is new in the VFG Blog today.
Great work Janine—this is fascinating!
This popped up on my Facebook page from Collectors Weekly and I thought it was worth a share...
Eisenberg & Sons, Inc., the parent company, was started as a perfume and clothing company in 1914. It had mixed success and during the late 1930s the company added a line of jewelry as...
I have a confession to make: I spend too much time online shopping for vintage costume jewelry. This habit has led me down deep rabbit holes, and resulted in me getting duped. More than once!
I have decided to ‘reveal’ these previously closely held secrets because of you. I can’t possibly...
Hello everyone,
I have recently acquired 2 pairs of YSL clip on earrings. They have the YSL stamp and look very vintage, but I can not find them anywhere on the internet. I have searched every term I can think of and have gone though many many pages of earrings, but can not find these.
Hi all!
I got a small hand full of cameos in an auction lot of costume jewelry. Hoping someone can help me date them. There are no makers marks on any of them. Is it odd that they don’t have an fastener on them? Sorry in advanced for the lack of close ups. My phone can’t focus on teeny things...
I have the 2 brooches shown here. Neither are signed. I tend to think that the bird is Boucher but not sure. Any help would be appreciated. 3 photos attached. Thanks. Kate
Found this amazing, what I believe is a choker (or I could totally be using it incorrectly lol). It doesn’t feel like cheap fashion jewelry but it doesn’t feel real to me either. No markings on the piece, and then then cord like closure on the back half of the necklace just throws me all the way...
Hi everyone,
I recently came across this bracelet and was struck by how strange the pendants were. They are green glass but are textured and warped, as if they were something else before and repurposed. The thing is, I haven't a clue what they could have been.
Has anyone seen anything like...
I know that this style is usually milkglass, but the necklace seems so lightweight and the white beads are perfect. Possible for it to be plastic? Would you date it as late 1950s, early 1960s?
Second image is not very clear, but it shows the clasp. Just a hook with a bead.
I am happy to have found this forum! I am eyeing this clip (clipped on a chain for the photo) right now online and was wondering anyone's thoughts on this being unsigned KTF trifari (it is being sold as such). I was drawn to the clip purely for design and came across it when I wasn't...
Hello! I just recently discovered this site and this is my first post. I'm so excited to find such an amazing resource. I recently bought these clip on earrings but I'm absolutely stumped by them and was wondering if anyone could help. I believe that the carved central stone is carnelian and...
Hello all,
I found this necklace at a consignment store today and I think it's old, but I'm not sure how old. It reminds me of some of the 1920s Bohemian jewelry I've seen, but this is a area of costume jewelry I know less about.
The necklace is long, with no clasp, and made of what seems to...
Hello I'm Kevin and i received some vintage costume jewelry after my grandmother's passing and I really don't know much about it at all. Some pieces are signed, some are not and I'm not sure where to go from here. Was wondering if anyone can help with dating, designer and or Value. Thanks!
Bonjour , This brooch has Oscar de la Renta on the back but does not look like any Oscar de la Renta items I have seen before.
Do you think it is fake or will it have been a gift, when purchasing something else. I will wear it anyway. It is a pretty little brooch.
Hello again, everyone! I have two pieces I've been strugging to date.
My fiancé and I found this ring for $40.00 at our local antique mall. I've been wondering about its age. It seems to have crosses and I'm not certain about the silver content.
I found this mesh Whiting and Davis purse and...
Hi all,
I recently found this set at a flea market and wanted to know how you'd date it? It's Bakelite (creamed spinach?) and the necklace metal is brass (?) I imagine. The Bakelite has been hand 'faceted' as the faceting is uneven, and the pendant is attached using a small metal post that...
I am new. This is a great site! I acquired my favorite necklace that my aunt owned after her passing a couple years ago. This was her mother's I think. I have spent hours educating myself and trying to figure out what exactly this necklace is composed of, who may had made it, confirm era...
I received a lot of costume jewelry, mostly Avon. But when I tried to identify these two pieces I'm left completely stumped! They are both unsigned pieces, not real gold/gold plated, and did not come in their packages. The first brooch has the shape of a maltese cross but with 5 sides like the...
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