Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

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Ummm hi... I dont even know if I am doing this right. I am new to this site and anything that has to do with the Ebay groups thingy. I cannot even find the groups thingy on Myspace...
So yeah. I have recently found a love for the vintage clothes. I have always loved "older" items. I am in the midst of retroing my house lol. We are going to do our kitchen in the old diner style. This will take time since we are adding bedrooms onto our basement for our kids (6) and have run out of room in our home lol.
I am excited to join this group and read about everyone who has been doing this for years!!
Billie jo (yes with a little j)
Hello. New at this, so please forgive my mistakes. What a joy to find such a group to enjoy vintage. I have been collecting for 25 years or so... way too much to enjoy! Sadly, I have to let so many things go and I would rather see them go to someone who really loves this stuff. I have not yet created a detailed listing or taken pictures, though I will soon. (Must let daughter have first pick.) If you are interested, let me know. My mood is kind-of sad just because I am really letting my one real hobbie's bounty decrease...on the otherhand, I will always buy this stuff...just because it's so much fun!
Thanks. I look forward to having time to read through all this information.
Hello everyone,

so nice to join such a friendly and active forum! I've collected vintage clothes since my first purchase of a 1930s midnight blue evening gown for 50p in 197(ahem) when I was nine!

Since then I've gone through several 'crazes' and accumulated rather a lot of stuff. Things got so out of hand I began selling things off, and then I went to university as a mature student, reasoning that I should research these things rather than actually own them. It sort of worked. But now I've fallen off the wagon again and find myself scouting around whenever possible!

This fascination runs in the family. My mum ran a fabulous vintage clothes shop in Lincoln, UK, called 20th Century Frocks from the late 80s to about 1995 (I think) and maybe some of you might remember her?

Currently I am researching the clothing working class people wore to dance halls in Britain in the 1920s and 30s for a PhD, and would welcome any information fellow members might offer - especially about ready to wear clothing labels/manufacturers, and home dressmaking, in that period.

Sorry for the rambling intro! Pleased to meet you all!
WOW! So many great new posters. A big welcome to all of you. I'm no help with what working class people wore to dance halls in Britain ... but I could probably find out what they wore in Vermont! I did an oral history/anecdotal book on the history of my town and SO many of the early couples marriages were from a meeting at a dance.

Billy jo - SIX children ... wow. Kai - You can post pix here under "public sneak previews." As you say - great to share vintage with those who appreciate it.

Welcome Moira - The one thing I remember about my sister and the 50's was some kind of cinch belt she wore under her skirts.

and Hey Amanda (in Australia) - I LOVE vintage hats too.... well... welcome to all.
Thanks amandainvermont! Your oral history project sounds fascinating, and maybe when my thesis is done, I can roll it out to research other places - like Vermont!
Hi everyone, remember me? Anna, aka Retro Rani ????

I've had a long break from vintage fashion and ebay due to baby making but I think I need to get back into the swing of it as I still have a huge stash to clear out!

I have been focusing all my efforts on pin-up photography for the past 8 months which has gone down well I'm pleased to say.

Lot's changed here I see, Jonathon, I am delighted to read of your good news on the home page, that's fantastic! I'm so envious of those that can organise their thoughts enough to be able to write a book, I wouldn't know where to begin.

Hopefully I'll be popping on here quite regularly from now on.

Hello Anna!!!!

Oddly enough, I was just thinking of you the other day when I was looking at some photographs at a fair while traveling!!!!

So good to hear from you again. Am popping off to look at your photo site!!

Welcome Back!
Anna! ::hugs::

First off, you look mar-vah-lous! Secondly your photos are so great. I just spent some time checking out your sites. I *love* the pin-up photography!

Can't wait to see you get back into vintage selling. I just know that the pics will be to die for! You were definitely missed. Oh by the way, it's Justine (formerly whirly-girl!)
Hi Anna!

How great to see you!! I was thinking about you the other day as well -- perhaps we drew you here by the force of our oh-so-powerful thoughts :P

Your current look suits you fabulously & your photography looks great. And look at Poppy! Harry must be - 16? ;) Are there more?!

Oh I'm getting all emotional seeing all the familiar names !!!

I definitely will be sticking around.

How strange so many were thinking of me then I felt the need to come here!! The power of positive thought :clapping:
Weird and SO cool.......I was also thinking of you and Anne and
both of you show up!!! We (as in collective vfg) obviously are all on the same wavelength - great minds think alike? LOL

Anna, please continue posting - you have been missed!!


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