Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

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Hi Everyone

I'm afraid Ive rather ploughed straight in to the forums without introducing heres a little bit about me. I have always adored antique clothing and accessories and have always thought I was born too late...

I worked in Vintage stores in London for a number of years before I decided to (belatedly) take a degree in Fashion Design. I payed my way through university by buying and selling Vintage,wrote a thesis on the Influence of Womens Magazines on the Culture of Home Sewing 1920-1945 ( Yes, a bit of a mouthful !) and now work for a company with a clothing storage facility so I can put all my experience to use archiving and preserving other peoples gorgeous pieces.

Anyway, I no longer deal professionally, but may return to it in the future, in the meantime I have already learned a lot from you guys and hope that I might be able to share some of my knowledge with you to.

A Pleasure to meet you all !
Sarah, London, UK
Welcome Sarah,

We all learn from each other here. I am sure you have contributions to make as well, with your experience. Thanks for joining in! :hiya:
Influence of Womens Magazines on the Culture of Home Sewing 1920-1945
Sounds fascinating!!
now work for a company with a clothing storage facility so I can put all my experience to use archiving and preserving other peoples gorgeous pieces.

Yes, I'd say you have some very interesting knowledge! Welcome!
I have loads and loads of labels to contribute to the archive too..just got a camera for Christmas so as soon as Ive worked out how to use it...(2009 maybe??)
Greetings Sarah - I like your posting name. And "loads and loads" of labels sounds excellent! Your thesis sounds fascinating too. One of my favorite parts of vintage discoveries is finding that charming home sewn garment. As a seller, I tend to call them "custom made" !! :-)

My mother was quite a seamstress and I vaguely remember a drawer full of Vogue patterns. Sigh. And while I am rambling - as president of the local historical society, I sometimes go to schools with older artifacts to see what the young folks can identify. They never know what the sock darner is ... and I can't see one without thinking of my Mother.
One of my favourites is the strange piece of brass full of notches and holes that was used to protect the fabric when you were polishing the buttons on military uniforms..
Hi, I found this site while researching an Artemis nightgown on eBay. One of the sellers said they were a member, so I had to check it out. I have loved vintage everything since almost forever! I mostly collect vintage nightgowns and will sell some now and then. It's hard to part with them, but my closet is overflowing. And now it is so hard to find them, I used to find one just about every time I went to the thrift stores, now, I'm lucky to find one every 6 months, so sad.

I feel inexperienced after reading some of the posts here, but hope to keep learning! I don't have a lot of time to spend on the internet, so hope I am able to visit here often enough to get to know people.

I\'m New! Hello!

I finally registered as a member here, after a long time of “lurking”. I owe all of you many thanks, for the great information and insight I have found on this site. I hope that in the near future, I can contribute useful facts as well as ask some good questions!

I have been a “collect and purge” personality for some time now. Clinging on to some old favorites and auctioning off others to raise money to buy more. I find it very satisfying to be able to preserve articles of the past, maintain them for the future, and enjoy them in the interim.

Thank you again!
Jon aka Metallicar
Hi! I\'m brand new to this site and hope to find out lots of cool stuff about some of my vintage clothes and accessories! Once I figure out everything, I\'m sure you\'ll be seeing more of me! Thanks for this great site!

Drooling over the RICCI MICHAEL silk chiffon which would have fit my former body...and the early Quant GINGER GROUP...!

I've enjoyed browsing this forum and the vfg website. I am originally from the UK - now based in Canada and have a background in Costume Design and Textiles. I worked for several costume hire companies in London which gave me a great grounding in original period costume and construction. I'm always learning and I love research. I look forward to contributing to the forum.
I'm not exactly new... I've just been away for eons. hiya to ally my vintage-lovin-pals!
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