OLD THREAD 2004 -just registered? INTRODUCE YOURSELF

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Hello everyone, I'm very new and still getting horrendously lost... it's taken me over an hour to find the section for newbies! LOL!

Anyway, I'm Senti and I'm from the north of England. I'm 25 and mad on all things 1960s. I don't sell vintage fashion but I buy a tremendous amount of it, as well as loving to find out about the history of 1960s design and I enjoy looking through the fashion pages of 1960s magazines to get all wound up about the fantastic clothes I can't get hold of!

I'm particularly into Harella, Dollyrockers, Louis Feraud, Biba, Petite Francaise and Foale&Tuffin for clothes (still living in hope of one day finding a nice Quant outfit that actually looks decent on me)... and Dolcis, Anello&Davide or Rayne for shoes.

I've found myself particularly well suited to many of the styles of clothes modelled by Pattie Boyd in the 60s and I love the Beatles so I started a website on her 1960s modelling career and am now constantly struggling with a backlog of pictures and information that need uploading. LOL! One day I hope to find an item that I've seen modelled in some magazine by Pattie, but until then I'll continue collecting that style of clothing instead.

Oh, and the screen name is because of my other main passion in life - drummers and drums. If I could find a 1960s outfit covered in pictures of drums I'd be in sheer heaven. LOL!

love, moons and starrs,
Welcome Senti!

I'm 'a bit' older than you, but Pattie Boyd was one of my idols in the 60s..I'll have to check out your website.

sounds like you will be able to help out a lot of us that know what we
like about the 60s, but maybe don't know as much about this era as we

Thanks for the lovely welcome Sue, I really do feel totally at home here already. :-) So few people appreciate vintage clothing so it's divine to be around people who do appreciate it and know so much about it!

I missed the sixties but I do count 1960s Pattie as a major influence on me. Maureen Starkey was my idol but so many people told me I looked like Pattie as my choice in 60s clothes is so much like the things she used to model and some of my features are like hers... and eventually I started paying great attention to her just out of curiosity as to whether I was like her or not. Eventually I realised that when I did my hair and make-up like her too it really suited me, so I'm Pattie mad now, she's my guru of how to look perfectly 60s! I still wish I could be like Maureen instead though, but it just doesn't suit me like the Pattie-look does.

The website needs much updating but there's still quite a lot to look through. :-) I'm trying to make it more of a "photo-shoot" archive really, as I'm an information junkie when it comes to things like vintage fashion and I want all the information up there.

I don't know that I'll be that much help, but I have a lot of resources at my fingertips thanks to my Pattie collecting, so I might be able to help out here and there. :-)

love, moons and starrs,
Welcome Senti and anyone else I may have missed.

Oh Pattie Boyd! I was one of the gals that would get jealous of any beatle girl!!! Brings back memories! Would love to see you all dressed up like her sometime.
Welcome Senti!

First of all, welcome! I'm new here too.

Secondly, you won't believe it, I met Pattie Boyd a couple of times in Barbados. And she still looks beautiful! The father of a friend of mine knows Christian Roberts (To Sir With Love), who opened a small inn in Barbados. We stayed several times right next to the inn. We spent time hanging out with Pattie and her boyfriend and Christian and his wife while they told us all about the swinging 60s. It was amazing. And she is such a great lady. So nice and friendly and down to earth. I have to admit I wasn't certain who she was until someone told me she had been George Harrison's wife! She told me that she was a photographer. And I guess she is.

Well, that's my brush with Swinging Sixties celebrities! See you around the boards...

:) Kevin
Hi ya Senti...so glad to have you here!! I already know you'll be a fantastic asset to our little, but constantly growing group of vintage lovers!!

Kevin - that is a great story!! Very cool to have met a cultural icon!

Senti, reading your intro (shame on me, I don't think I ever did a proper intro here) is like reading my own story, only insert Diana Rigg for Pattie! :)

Welcome Senti!

Like Sue, I am a bit older than you are. I grew up in the 60s and got to see the Beetles live in New Orleans.

Sure wish I still had all those clothes I wore back then!
I usually try and get behind the camera so that no-one takes my picture but if I ever dig up any pics of me in my Pattie gear I'll let you see them. :-) A friend of mine keeps trying to persuade me to pose for some pictureswith another friend who is a George Harrison look-a-like and plays guitar in a tribute group but I'm not really into the idea... he's used to being George, I don't want to have to pretend to be Pattie, it's too weird! LOL!

Kevin, I am so jealous that you've met Pattie. I went to a concert that she was at and all of my friends saw her but me which drove me insane as they all hate her (Beatle jealousy! LOL!) but I think she's wonderful. It seemed very unfair that I was the only one to miss her.

Pattie does work as a photographer now, she very rarely models these days.

Chris - if you click on the "www" button it'll take you to my Pattie site. Nothing special, just a catalogue of my constantly expanding Pattie fashions collection. :-)

I love Diana Rigg too. Senti is a nickname I've got totally stuck with (to the point where I don't answer to my own name but instantly jump to attention if someone yells "Senti!"), but my first name is Emma and I was so stuck in the 60s at school that I got called Mrs.Peel by the cooler kids who actually watched The Avengers. The first time I discovered her though was when I was very small and I saw her on TV in The Assasination Bureau with Olly Reed - I thought they were the most divine couple I'd ever seen in a film! She was so stunningly cool and he just has the most incredible blue eyes. I can remember loving her as a witch called Miss Hardbroom in a childrens film that was around when I was about eight, but my current fave-rave appearance of hers is in the recent adaptation of Rebecca because she was the perfect Mrs Danvers!

I'm deeply jealous you got to see all four Beatles Linda, I've had to make do with seeing three of them individually instead. :-( I really wish I'd seen John... and luckily my Mum kept all her fave 60s clothes so I basically raided her collection when I got into the era. :-)

love, moons and starrs,
Well I've met Diana Rigg twice this year, and I'm still a slightly gibbering wreck! She's been my role model, and fashion inspiration, since I was 16 - hence I primarily collect John Bates for Jean Varon.

Miss Hardbroom in The Worst Witch was the first role I remember, and I adore The Assassination Bureau (and Olly Reed, another icon). I'm waiting for my DVD to arrive any day now :)

A lot of my contemporaries think I'm a bit odd for half-living in the 60s - so it's nice to hear I'm not alone!! ;)

Apologies for veering off topic!!
I'm Wendy (... and I'm a vintage-aholic). I sell vintage on Ebay at vintagevolcano. I live in Northern California.
I'm also an artist so combined with Ebay I make a very modest living! : ) But at least I can live here in the woods and do what I love!
I've used the label search a bunch and now I'd like to get to know other peeps with the passion for vintage!

*~~Have a nice day!~~*
Big Welcome Wendy!

It is good to see you here! Don't hesitate to post about any questions you may have or vintage that you may want to share! There is usually someone around here that will be able to help, comment, or commiserate! :)

"I'm also an artist so combined with Ebay I make a very modest living"

I hear you! The operative word above is "very" :)

WELCOME WENDY!!! We are glad you are here. Do you sell your artwork on ebay or do you have a website/pictures so we can take a peep? (well i shouldn't have asked..i should just go look up your id!) There are other folks here who have other creative pursuits besides vintage as well. Sue sells her Fairies, and I don't sell it but i dabble in making glass jewelry and stained glass lamps.

and Senti...that's a funny coincidence that your given name is actually "Emma" and our emmapeelpant's first name really isn't : )

Pattie does work as a photographer now, she very rarely models these days

anything we would have seen?

A lot of my contemporaries think I'm a bit odd for half-living in the 60s - so it's nice to hear I'm not alone!!

and i have ModMagnet (tm) . somehow when looking through racks of garments at consignment, 99% of anything I pull out before I even get a chance to look to see what it is...it is always 60s. Got to remove or reharness the energy of the magnets before Viva Las Vegas comes around again : )

Welcome Wendy! I haven't been here long but I've settled in nicely as everyone is so friendly and helpful. :)

I doubt you'll have seen any of Pattie's photography, Chris, I have a hard time finding it myself. :(

I had a go at learning how to do tiffany lamps, but kept cutting my fingers so I gave it up as a bad idea. Which is a shame as they look so pretty. :(

I wish I had ModMagnet.. I seem to home in on the psychedelic stuff, but I prefer mod style. :D

love, moons and starrs,
Welcome Wendy -

Hey I live in the woods in Northern California too! I wonder if we live in the same woods? Where abouts are you? I am in the Sierras.

Again, welcome. This is a lovely group!

Cheers ~ Maureen
<img src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/wave.gif">

Seems lately we've all been a bit <img src="http://img.ranchoweb.com/images/leisa/tiedup.jpg"> with Summer stuff - family, friends, vacations, etc.

I just wanted to suggest that if you need to know something & ya can't seem to find anyone around, you can always email me at:

If I don't know the answer - I'll get someone who does.

Also - now that the summer is drawing to a close, it's back to biz, so I suspect you'll find a LOT of us hanging around here in very short time.

Enjoy yourselves & be sure to check out all of our resources and exhibits.

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