So sad I paid far more than I should... at least that should be some comfort! Sometimes it is difficult - she only got particularly upset as she wanted to show me her other clothes (and not sell them to me, you know the type of torture!) and got out a Diorling suit she had worn as her 2nd...
Went on a house call to buy a few pieces this morning and it was very sad, ladies husband had just left her and she hadn't liked to cancel me (but hadn't slept either). She was about 70 and it just really got to me so I can't be creative today.. can you help me with some keywords for this? Sun...
I think you should get a list if you google for them.. will have a look for you later. Johnsons bought the technology, if that's any help, and are phasing it in to replace all their old perc machines.
Good grief - was I once organised? Oh yes... that was a while ago, LOL!
And yes 1930s so I reckon the piano counts, and my dining room looks a lot better!
I shall take some pictures this week of my ebay room, which is a darn site messier than it should be. Luckily upstairs (website stuff)...
Looks quite traditional esp. with the quilting, rather than a fashion statement if you know what I mean?
Afraid I'm no help but I like it! :USETHUMBUP:
Excellent! I shall come and have a look in the summer holidays.. :)
I trust there will be photographs..
Ooh yes, I had quite fancied the Jean Varon exhibit anyway so will have to be another jaunt. An excuse to get a day out to myself too! :D
Just realised that the 60s exhibit starts soon at the V&A (I still thought it was April, so that's how in touch I am at the moment) - When is the opening do? And, more importantly, do you have an outfit chosen?
I shall have to book my train tickets very soon to come down and see your dresses...
Couple of things went up last night to replace the items that ended - have worked out that a Wednesday/Sunday crossover is the easiest way to do it, rather than list all at once!
Here's one: Jonny Herbert (with the Joseph Magnin label I asked about!)
And the rest are here, more Sunday...
Well I am going to explain and see if you would have done the same. I happened to have read something somewhere or other the other day about Princess Diana. (I am no big royalist or anything, I mainly read it as it was fashion related)
Am pretty sure this dress is the same as the dress she...
True (oh you know me well!) but not the main reason. I just wondered if it looked at all familiar, no? Probably not unless you are a fan of the British Monarchy..
I do believe at one time this would have been THE dress to imitate for many a girl in the early 80s. Wondered if it looked familiar to anyone?
I just wish everyone would stop with the shoes.. :BAGUSE:
Just kidding! They are definitely adorable, and I love seeing them - it just means I get to exercise my self restraint :saint:
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