Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

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I'm Sue, and really enjoy this site. I've been collecting vintage jewelry for nearly 30 years, most recently shoe and dress clips. My most interesting piece is an Art Deco shoe strap - I've posted a photo below.
I've just recently starting buying nice vintage clothing, and am trying to learn more. My favorite eras are the 1920s and 1930s, and some mod 1960s designer clothes.

Thanks for all the information you all share so freely!!!

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I'm Jenna. I live in Boston and work at a pretty big used clothing/vintage store. So work is fun! yay! I have a pretty decent collection of vintage clothing and I hope to start my own store one day. My other obsession is my dog, Winston.
I'm new and have a question about a silk Chanel scarf that I found at a thrift store. It is 28" x 72" and is chiffon silk, made in Italy. The design has a chain border and has the lion with the 2 Cs in it's mouth. Do you believe this is authentic and would you happen to know when this was issued? Can anyone hazard a guess at value? Thanks for your help. Kelly


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Hello everyone. My name is Karen and I found this site, which is amazing by the way, while searching for information about antique items that were handed down to me by my mother and grandmother. I had them stored away because I did not know what to do with them. After hearing about how vintage items were of interest to many people, I thought I should find out exactly what they are before I attempt to sell them so I have begun my research thanks to this site. I lost my job 18 months ago and unfortunately have to start selling items such as a few antique dresses and skirts, and several hand beaded clutches. I was amazed to see all of the topics and resources that are featured here as well as all of the kind people who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. Thank you!
Hi all! My name is Amber and I'm so happy to be joining the Vintage Fashion Guild forums. I sell under the name Anatomy Vintage on Etsy, and until yesterday I had a brick and mortar store in Bloomington, Indiana. I closed my doors so that I can fix up my camper and go mobile! I'm so excited to dive deeper into the online vintage community. I'll be seeing you around the forums! :drinkingtoast:
Hi my name is Donna Starcher. I am 51 and love to upcycle/recycle vintage items. I will craft anything from a cement brick to a empty pack of cigarettes. I am a member of the Sutherlin, OR state grange. We are an organization to help where ever we can to those in distress including those of the animal variety. We do what we do by having flea markets (renting out tables) 9 months out of the year. Several times a year we have rummage sales or book sales at 1.00 a bag. All you can fit in a brown paper bag or we sell large items individually very very cheap. I usually help set up the tables and occasionally I come across vintage items I know are worth well over 1.00 so I sell them to a antique dealer in the town I live if it something she is interested in but most of the time I research the item and list it on eBay and then give the money to the Grange fund. Recently we had a family whose mother had passed away and they donated most of her odds and ends of stuff to us. There was enough stuff to half fill a small storage rental company who donates us several stalls. I went through her items and was very surprised by what had been donated. Most everything I would not let them put out for the bag sale. Everything donated was from between the 1950s to the mid 1800's. I had hundred of items on Ebay and the Grange did pretty well. Just that much more we can do to help people and animals. When we do a food drive it is both a people and animal food drive. Anyway I am having trouble with one item which I thought would be an easy item to sell and I don't know much about fur except I personally don't believe it is unnecessary to use with modern technology. It is a 2 pelt mink stole. I recognized it right away because in 1963 I was given a used one with a had muff and a matching purse. My problem is I believe it to be a child's stole because it is only 31 inches from the tip of the first nose to the end of the second tail. It has no tags and I have spent days on the computer trying to identify it. I know it is at least from the 40's or 50's because the secondary clasp/tassle is plastic. One can tell by the cover over the clasp that it is definitely older than the 60's. I consider myself as an odd artist because most of the vintage items I come across are damaged and don't sell, so I take them home and make something eye catching or use it as something it was not originally intended. But this mink stole is in such perfect condition it looks like it was just purchased new yesterday. When I found this site I was hoping to accomplish two things: 1. to share my creations out of vintage items and see if anyone could tell me a reputable site where i could go to find out about this stole. I really hate not being able to find out about something when I set out to learn about it. I will give you one example of my recycling old items. An old small market several miles out of town started to remodel since there had been a home building boom in that area and there was a pile of metal items to go to the dump. I saw an old paint mostly worn off rectangle Camel cigarette add it had a bottom to stand on and 4 sides, so I took it home and did a little work on it and it is now my kitchen trash basket. A 13 gallon trash bag fits perfectly. It is very rustic looking which is a style I like.

Any way if there is anyone who could point me in the right direction of finding information on this stole I would really appreciate it. I hate being stumped and it is in too good of shape for me to be comfortable changing it.

Thank you for listening and for any help that may come my way.

Donna Starcher

PS I am a huge animal lover. Last year I lost 5 of my dogs. If you want to talk about my greatest vintage items it was them. 3 of them were 17 and 2 of them were 18. I had them since they were born. I now have 1 dog and he was 18 months when I got him. I am looking forward to another 18 years of his wonderful personality.
It's nice to meet you too Amanda! I wonder - does your shoe rack constitute a little collection...? :D

I had a look at your about me page - I do love your photos: That's a cool background you've got going on, it really works! Will keep an eye out for your 'want' list :)
Hi All! After using the A-Z guide for the past couple of years, and then moving on to starting up a small etsy shop I decided I wanted to get more involved and talk to vintage fans from across the globe.

I am in my mid-twenties, I have two degrees in Art History (specifically interested in 19th Century art history). I'm interested in 1960s and 1970s vintage clothing, mostly because I find it more wearable and more affordable than rarer clothes of previous decades. My favourite brands include Marion Donaldson, David Silverman, Bill Gibb, Ossie Clark, Biba ... some of these I can't afford, but doesn't stop me admiring them from a distance and buying inspired vintage pieces.


Here I'm wearing a 1950s Mouton jacket I picked up at a craft fair before Christmas from a vintage seller who is shutting down her shop :( It's quite unlike most of the vintage pieces I have that are more hippy or mod in style, and are more wearable for day to day.
Hi everyone!

I'm new here! & to be honest, I've always had a hard time talking about myself! For starters, I absolutely love history, and vintage, two of my favorite things in life. I'm a senior in high school, looking into possible path to the vintage fashion market! I'm not nearly as knowledgeable on vintage clothing as I could be, or would like to be but I do my best to make it to the Harold Washington Public Library in Chicago (they have a nice selection of history of fashion books!), and research vintage online!

I believe my vintage/ history obsession began as a child when my mother brought me home my first American Girl Doll! Being seven, I looked forward to the new catalogs coming in the mail, and I spent hours looking through the dolls clothes and accessories! If you are unfamiliar with American Girl, they are all girls from the past, so all of their clothes and accessories reflected what time period they were from.

I was absolutely thrilled when I found out VFG had a forum! I have some difficulties dating vintage on a few of the items I find at thrift stores. (Speaking of thrift stores, its what I spend most of my time doing!)

Thanks for reading!

So I've long been a fan of vintage. Regularly frequenting some great shops near me in London (for anything from the 30' to the 50s, although I have some great 70's furniture in my flat) and always envious of those who can put their own victory rolls in.
I don't get enough chances to wear vintage style outfits (I should make more!) but running around town a lot makes it hard to have the time to do things properly.

I'm currently working as the Head of Community for a new young startup call Depop (it's like a social ebay), and on the side I also run another startup ArtSpotter, which is an interactive art map.

Looking forward to hearing more about you and maybe seeing you on my app :)

Hi people,
My wife inherited a fur coat (Mink ?) some 40 years ago, we want to identify that it is a Mink and also gain information on the label.
So, if anyone can help us, it would be appreciated.
Cheers............. Dave (UK)

P.S. Not sure if I posted this right
P.S. Dear Moderator out there, my D.O.B Year should be 1957


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