Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! 2006-2014

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hi -
i just registered for the forums here and it seems just wonderful! we are Vintage Bakelite Dealers for over 30 years and just love, love Bakelite Jewelry and all things Bakelite. I would love to hear from other people who are passionate about Vintage Bakelite. We just had an article published in the October issue of Vintage Life Magazine about Bakelite. would love to hear about your favorite pieces of Bakelite!



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welcome, Thia! and best of luck with your new business.

we have a ton of free resources here at the VFG ~ the front page is loaded with pages of helpful hints, and the forums are also filled with an immense amount of information. hope you have fun here!
Talia ~ i'm not sure if the private message system works for registered guests, or not, but you might want to try it: if you click on an avatar, it opens a window that has a section that says "Start a new conversation". If that person has provided and email, they will get one from you with your message. it may be an easier way to communicate, as a lot of Registered Guests never come back to click on these messages again.

nice to see you helping out already! :)
:)hI everyone! My name is Violet and I LOVE LOVE vintage fashion! It is one of my favorite hobbies looking in thrift shops and consignment shops and putting together cool outfits! It just makes me feel fabulous! I'm very glad I found this place!
Hello all! My name is Caitlin and I'm obsessed with vintage clothing and accessories. I just started really paying attention to what was around me at thrift shops and couldn't stop buying more and more.. Sometimes not even in my size. So I've really been wanting to soak all the information I can. I have some pictures and such, I just have to learn how to navigate this site :D happy to be here!
Hello all,

I have been collecting vintage on and off since college. I've recently been trying to get myself better vintage-educated. To that end I've been reading this forum and several blogs for a couple of years now. I have always intended to join this forum eventually, and since I actually had something to contribute I decided to join today.

I think this forum, and all of its exceptional members, is such a gift. I am in awe of the cumulative knowledge here, and grateful at how freely it is shared.

I look forward to participating
I am Joellene. I am designer. I am most drawn to all things 30's and 40's! I look forward to being a part of this site. Hope to talk to you all soon!!
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