Old tech support and forum questions

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Information Center - Welcome to the Forums' started by cherry-pie-and-roses, Mar 20, 2004.

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  1. vintageclothesline

    vintageclothesline VFG Member VFG Past President

    Yes, I think a yard sale would be appropriate to post. (as long as it is not on your website or internet)
  2. JulieW

    JulieW Alumni

    Is it in Little Rock?
    ~fingers crossed~
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Guest

    Thanks Linda.

    Sorry Julie, it's in Massachusetts.
  4. amandainvermont

    amandainvermont VFG Member

    We have members in Massachusetts for sure! Post away.
  5. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Guest

    I posted the details in the Information Exchange. If that's incorrect, please move it.

    My grandfather says Thanks. He wants this stuff out of the house. :clapping:

    Any other ideas as to where or how I can find people who'd be interested in buying her clothes?
  6. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

  7. elizabethm

    elizabethm Registered Guest

    I put the URL for a Photobucket-hosted pic in the box marked Avatar URL on my Edit Profile page. It isn't showing however.

    Any tips?
  8. Ookoo

    Ookoo Registered Guest

    It needs to be a really small. Try re-sizing it to about 80 pixels.

    I love the beautiful gowns you made!
  9. vintageclothesline

    vintageclothesline VFG Member VFG Past President

    Also just use the link starting with http:

    and the size should be no longer than 169 wide by 300 high..:)
  10. awaywiffairies

    awaywiffairies Registered Guest

    Hi everyone, I'm new on this site & having trouble downloading photos of clothes to put on the Q&A forum. I get a msg saying pic too big, so what should the dimensions be? Thankyou so much x
  11. If you can reduce the size to 200 or 300 width, that should do it. Hope that helps. :USETHUMBUP:
  12. awaywiffairies

    awaywiffairies Registered Guest

    Thankyou so much, I'll give that a try! x
  13. awaywiffairies

    awaywiffairies Registered Guest

    How do I download more than one photo on the forums? Thankyou!
  14. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    You have to use a hosting site, such as photobucket. Then copy and paste the image link code into your message.
  15. awaywiffairies

    awaywiffairies Registered Guest

    Thanks for that tho I'm not techno minded so that advice went way over my head lol :wacko:
  16. awaywiffairies

    awaywiffairies Registered Guest

    :USETHUMBUP: Hey, downloading Photobucket & after a lot of playing around I'm finally there....Thankyou so much for the info...I feel enlightened!
  17. inkedpalm

    inkedpalm Registered Guest

    I understand we "friends" are not to post photos of items that are for sale. I know the rules have changed and I've read them. I think I understand that "friends" are not to post in "Sneak Peaks" right? Just asking because someone commented on my post with photo questions that they would like to know when I put these up for auction. Don't want to go against rules so how would I handle this??? Thanks, Nadine
  18. pinky-a-gogo

    pinky-a-gogo VFG Member VFG Past President

    As long as you are not posting blatant advertising posts you should be ok.

    That rule is there because we get a lot of spammers--from websites. They post tons of threads with links to their crappy sites.

    you can answer the person about when your item goes up--that should be fine. Thanks.
  19. inkedpalm

    inkedpalm Registered Guest


    CRAZYBUBBA Registered Guest

    on the bottom I can browse my computer and select an attachment but it doesn't load into the post. Weird?
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