
  1. craftycat

    Help Dating Dress - 30s? 40s?

    Hello! I just picked up this dress at an estate sale and I'm having trouble placing its era. I have a general idea, but the style of the dress isn't something I'm familiar with. It's a knit that I believe is completely hand stitched. The zipper is metal (Talon) and the teeth are smaller than...
  2. LydiaAnne

    What year is this wedding dress?

    I'm having a difficult time dating this due to some of the dress details. The older women in my life think it's before 1950s, but it's Lorrie Deb, which began in 1950s I believe. Thoughts, anyone?
  3. A

    Chainmail Headress

    I purchased this chainmail headress/headpiece at auction. Can anyone help me with dating it?
  4. FutureBlues

    Vintage straw picnic basket box?

    I have this adorable mini circle straw top handle bag with lime green gingham lining on the inside and two matching square cloth napkins/handkerchiefs. There is no label but it looks old and I was wondering if anyone knows around when this could be from?
  5. Elizabeth Ramos-Boyce

    Reel Poise by BestLyne Co 1950s Peach Colored Embroidered Playsuit with matching skirt

    Hi all Elizabeth Ramos-Boyce here .... needing your help again. I did the research using the tools this site suggested. I’m pegging this play suit as 1950s. It has a metal zipper, no union tagging, just a sizing tag. It is embroidered as pictured, it also has a panty in playsuit. Skirt has...
  6. FutureBlues

    ILGWU-ADCF Label

    Hello, I found this beautiful two piece gown with an ILGWU-ADCF label on it. I haven't seen the ADCF logo before, was wondering if anyone had any information on when this might have been made? This is the only tag in the dress.
  7. acceber

    Dating Dorothy O'Hara dress

    I understand from reading that this dress is probably from the 40s-50s? Was hoping to narrow it down a little. I can't fit it on either of my dress forms. I could probably try it on if it's crucial to dating it. It has such an old and classy air to it. The pics don't do it justice. It comes to...
  8. S

    Vintage Chanel cape/cloak

    Hi, all, I have recently acquired a vintage Chanel cape or cloak and would like help in identifying its age. There is only one side-seam label, with no tape underneath or any other identifying marks on the garment (I was not able to upload a photo of the Cape, as it was apparently too big a...
  9. Stephanie McGee

    Michael Kors slacks with Saks tag! Vintage?

    Hi! I found these gorgeous slacks while thrifting last week. I can’t seem to find much information online to determine the age and value. I believe the waist was altered that is why the tags overlap. Can anyone give me an idea of the year these pants were sold and what the possible value is for...
  10. T

    Questions/Data/Info request for a few pieces of Costume Jewelry

    So I recently acquired an assortment of costume jewelry which I have a range of questions about depending on the item. The jewelry I have been able to give tentative dates for seem to indicate most of the jewelry falls in the 70's to early 90's range but there might be an oddball or two in here...
  11. E

    Help Dating Alfred Shaheen Dress

    I've been researching this piece for quite some time now, which has always lead me to a dead end, unfortunately. Having trouble finding a single one with the same print or style -- almost feels like it doesn't exist, to be honest! Has anyone come across this print and/or style before that can...
  12. R

    Vintage Christian Dior blouse - please help ❤️

    Hi everyone, I recently acquired this blouse and I was looking for any information anyone has. Authenticity, time period? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  13. J

    Help determining date of blouse by label

    Hello. So I've found lables online from Bozart from the 40s and the 50s but they don't look like this. I checked the VFG label resources and couldn't find anything. I'm thinking it's from the 1930s but would like another opinion if possible. Thanks in advance!
  14. L

    Help dating yellow cotton frog closure dress?

    acquired this dress recently and I'm having a lot of trouble putting a date on it... frog closure all the way down the front, lace trim, floral embroidered details... thoughts?
  15. T

    Hi, I’m fairly new here.

    Hi, I’m fairly new here. A friend told me you might be able to find information on my Iceberg Disney Gilman Donald orange velvet coat/jacket. I can’t seem to find anything on it. It was made in Italy. I am not sure what year it was from. From googling it looks like it is vintage and only a...
  16. chloe le fay

    Oriental robe..Chinese?

    Hi everyone. I recently went barmy at a vinatge auction over this robe. I was encouraged as the woman I was bidding against is an expert in this kind of thing and she really wanted it, so I convinced myself (maybe foolishly ) that is was worth the battle! but now I don't have a clue what I have...
  17. P

    Help dating & identifying the type of fur

    Hello everyone! I just got this vintage fur hand muff yesterday and I think it's from the 40's but not 100% sure. Can someone help me confirm on the dating? I've been looking around trying to figure out what kind of fur this is and I can't seem to get it. The fur is about 3/4" to 1" in length...
  18. MissSara

    YSL Rive Gauche Jacket

    Hello! I'm new at this forum, as I'm just starting my way into vintage clothing. And I'm loving it :) I'm still trying to date this Rive G Gauche navy wool jacket. According to my research, the buttons should be a bit different (they are usually studded or gold textured), but I think it's from...
  19. AngAllen

    Dating "Sakelaridis" Batiste Dress

    Hello lovely people! I am stumped about dating this dress I rescued from a bin at the back of an antique store today. As per the photos, it is a light pink and white cotton dress, and it is quite long as I am 6' tall and it falls about four inches below the knee. I think it might be 1970s, but I...
  20. Gabriella Patti

    Help Dating Vintage Shorts

    I bought these shorts the other day, and I know they are vintage however I am having a hard time placing what era they are from as the style is unfamiliar to me. They are very short, high waisted, and have built in bloomers. Zipper is the center back and also has a clasp closure. The zipper...
  21. L

    help dating purse?

    just got this red velvet bag. No labels or anything. Any guesses on when it's from?
  22. J

    Label/designer info

    Hello! I have a dress set from the 1940s that is a Jean Lang original. I can't find much on the designer. It's one of the most well made/detailed sets that I've seen. Would anyone know if this a rare set? Thank you!
  23. T

    Need help identifying brand and age of vintage coat.

    Hi all, We bought a vintage coat from a little store here in Italy and we are trying hard to identify how old and where it comes from. I've included pictures of the coat itself, the hem, and the buttons which say, "Bretagne, A Ma Vie" so I assume it's french? But I don't know anything else...
  24. applesandarsenic

    Need help dating wool shirt!

    Happy New Year! Can anyone help me date this mens wool chin strap work shirt? Im not familiar with these and can't figure out if its the real deal or a repro... are they the correct seams? Appreciate any help! Thank you!
  25. K

    Hat identification

    I was gifted this hat by a lady, and I don’t have any information on it. I have tried finding something on it, but I can’t seem to find anything. If anyone could help me that would be great! Thanks in advance.
  26. L

    Looking for help to date this embroidered top

    Hello, I am stumped on the era of this blouse. It has beautiful embroidery around the neckline. The metal zippers on the cuffs, side of blouse and at the neck make me wonder if this is 40s? Am i way off? Any help would be appreciated!
  27. craftycat

    Anyone know anything about this dress?

    Hello! I've had this dress for a while and have always thought it an interesting piece. My guess was that it dates 60s because of the length, the center back zipper and overall style. The only label is a very faded white square that states "Lot Sz 13." The dress itself is definitely a S/M when...
  28. AgentCheryl

    Help Identifying Fur Type & Age Please

    Hi. I just picked up this Birger Christensen coat. After reading through the site, I think it might be broadtail but need your expertise to confirm. It is super duper soft. I've had similar furs in black before but they were always quite coarse. Also, any idea of the age. Thank you in...
  29. Hana Celine

    Big Smith jacket?!

    hi I recently found this jacket and don’t know what year it is and can’t find pictures of it anywhere?! The brand is Big Smith. And yes it has rust stains :’(
  30. Rock that frock

    When in France...I can't date this label?

    Please help me with dating this dress. I found two dresses online with a similar label Pierany minus the street addy. One said it was 70's and another 40's ( the exact same label ). What do you think? Thank you so much, Joanne