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  1. Another Time Antiques

    Blatant promotion of FABULOUS 1883 dress...

    Ouch!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!!! Got Provenance????? Barb
  2. Another Time Antiques

    Can't remember when I've seen so much green on my selling list

    Well you go girl! Great looking product..... great looking pictures.... change of season - Lets Go Shopping!!! :P
  3. Another Time Antiques

    Early Victorian Goodies

    Here's a sneak preview of what is coming on later tonight. She's tender but a wonderful study/display piece: Also on this week is an outstanding velvet vict cape and a 3pc outting suit. Come visit at my ebay board.
  4. Another Time Antiques

    Look what's coming up tonight!

    Always love looking at your early goods Lei... awesome cdv's too! Was going to give a heads up on an early bodice that went on tonight ...but it sold immediately! Yipee! Had interesting built in bust pads and beautiful plaid silk. Pictures are on for a little while if any body just...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    Dan Millstein Suit - On and running!

    Importo dell'offerta errato Anybody speak Italian? What does this mean?? Someone retracted a bid...... Just curious.
  6. Another Time Antiques

    Dan Millstein Suit - On and running!

    The excitement mounts!!! Kristine......yes ..... pull your suit and list it! Here's an inside secret - I've had this suit for well over a year and NOBODY has ever noticed it much!!! Once again, I think the timing is just right for this kind of look! Elsewhere.... you know something...
  7. Another Time Antiques

    Dan Millstein Suit - On and running!

    I am so tickled at the instant reception of this suit. I love it because of the awesome velvet treatment. And as a vintage clothing person.... I'm always excited when I get "Big Girl" clothes!!! Here's shot 1 .... but do take a peek at the full ensemble...
  8. Another Time Antiques

    Shoe auction for the record books

    I'm just in total amazement on this one! Slightly OT as this is an auction (not mine) for a line of shoe collectible figurines...... NO description....... No photographs..... a LOT sale with minimal words to say what is being sold -- and it got the opening bid @ $180 value US!!. Shoe...
  9. Another Time Antiques

    Vogue Coutier/Beaded Sweater/Pendleton Suit ++

    This one will end very soon! - a steal at 9.99! squash blossom beaded sweater This ends tomorrow-- pendleton coat, skirt and shell Ends on Sunday- vintage Vogue Coutier 2pc 1960s suit for fall Last but not least..... cute swing jacket for fall days jacket Hope all our...
  10. Another Time Antiques

    For the Fall season.....

    Thanks for the comments - always good to hear pieces are liked! And you gotta know a secret on the Pendleton... I've had her for about 10 years in and out of storage!! No lie..... Remember a conversation we had earlier about things being stored vs dumped cheap?? Here's a classic case in...
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Countdown to coats...

    I'm finding there is a lot of interest NOW in the fall attire department! My pendleton walking suit/coat sold if the first 1/2 day!! Lots of hits on the other woolies too. Wouldn't wait too long to list..... on that hippied jacket/shirt - that is one HAPPY seller!!!!! Holey Cow!
  12. Another Time Antiques


    ain\'t that the trueth! I know what you mean about sales.....! But I always find that the "changing season" time always seems to get a little exciting. Hype or not - it's still fun to see "what's new"....and of course we all know where "new" comes from!! ;)
  13. Another Time Antiques

    For the Fall season.....

    I'm so sick of rain I could scream. So this week I'm getting ready for the cozy warm clothes of fall and winter! Just listed..... 3pc Ladies Walking ensemble from Pendleton faux turqoise/silver squash blossom beaded sweater and coming on tonight is a Vogue Coutier (home...
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Does your little girl wear vintage?

    my "little" girl ( now 24) always thought my vintage stuff was ....ughie! But I'll tell ya what ...... my new grandbaby is gonna wear vintage!!!!!!! New Grandma to be who can't wait!!! :)
  15. Another Time Antiques


    Have listed some vintage patterns and some pattern books with great fashion shots! The hat & bag book is a hoot!Check 'em out!!
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Rare Cut Edwardian plus fun twists ....

    I always like people to expand their thinking when it comes to vintage fashions and collecting..... so here's two items that relate...but are not fiber!! auction ends today.... 1908 old dress snaps And last but not least.... my lovely taupe silk Edw. is up with no reserve...
  17. Another Time Antiques

    Edwardian Era Study Dress

    Here's a once upon a time pretty..... still great for study, patterns, parts or whatever! Makes a great display piece. Just listed her and no reserve.
  18. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian and Edwardian things on Ebay tonight

    Lei.......gorgeous stock!!!!!! You KNOW I'm in love with the civil war era gown!!!!! Will be following it. There is another awesome cw gown on (some other seller). Will be watchin!
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Late Bustle Era/Blue Velvet- Show & Tell!

    Well I'm happy to announce that "miss blue" now has a new home with another kindred spirit keeper! She will be adorning the bedroom of a lovely couple here is western NY! :) Love happy endings!
  20. Another Time Antiques

    Late Bustle Era/Blue Velvet- Show & Tell!

    Well I'm happy to announce that "miss blue" now has a new home with another kindred spirit keeper! She will be adorning the bedroom of a lovely couple here is western NY! :) Love happy endings!
  21. Another Time Antiques

    Snipe Me Home! Perfect summer

    For those who love to lounge with moring coffee on the deck in your Edwardian cottons..... here's a terrific mid calf nightgown with absolutely gorgeous lace top that will ... fit any body! She was NEVER WORN! Straight from the unmarried woman's hope chest of years gone by...
  22. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian experts - could this be a child's purse?

    Chris - not Victorian but VERY Art Deco period into the 30s. Fancy little evening bags like these were very small and totally for fashion accent more than necessity. Lipstick, compact, hankie, comb......what else would a woman need? LOL. Cut little bag!
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Vintage Adidas Jacket.

    Well living with a jock - gym teacher - coach for ...a long time... I have to say these jackets were MADE to wash! And I can almost guarantee the patches won't be a problem either. Just don't put it in the dryer. I do his sports clothes in the regular wash all the time. Like to line dry...
  24. Another Time Antiques

    I've been on a hat binge

    oh you don't want those old things......why don't you just mail them on over to me.........:P Those are all great hats! #1 is probably mid 1940s. The open backs were really popular then - as well as than clam shell kind of look. #2 & 3 are great looking 20s! Love all those cute shaped...
  25. Another Time Antiques

    This should not have tanked. KWS help please!

    ps Kat - get an auction link in your signature file here too! :)
  26. Another Time Antiques

    This should not have tanked. KWS help please!

    oh my goodness....... get that petunia back on! That is one of the best looking design dresses! I have noticed a total upswing in hits, bids and interest in all catagories over the past week. Maybe it's because graduations are over, kids are moved and July 4 holiday is over. Or maybe it's...
  27. Another Time Antiques

    got a few neat things on!

    Thanks for the comments! It takes a lot longer to photo/write and list a good textile/fashion piece than other kinds of things! So appreciate that folks take a look!! :) Gotta say, my fav from this group is that yellow dress!! I remember wearing dresses like that......oh I can't believe I...
  28. Another Time Antiques

    got a few neat things on!

    Have several fashion related auctions going right now - hope you'll take a peek (use link below) a super jewelry lot Lovely vintage 1950s silver lame embroidered evening bag and matching belt! delicate and wonderful late 19th c lace jabot anybody re-designing clothes from old table...
  29. Another Time Antiques

    Rhinestone Starburst Yellow Sheath Dress

    Thanks for the encouragement. Gee.... I've actually noticed an increase in views and bids this past week. Yippee! of last night..she's on! and res. in unde $80!;)